# Surrealix
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Lightweight, correct and up-to-date Elixir SDK for [SurrealDB](https://surrealdb.com/docs/integration/sdks).
## Why use Surrealix?
- up-to-date on the Websocket API for SurrealDB (https://github.com/maxohq/surrealix/blob/main/gen/src/api.ts) - via code generation
- minimal abstraction over [WebSocket (text protocol)](https://surrealdb.com/docs/integration/websocket/text) for SurrealDB
- Elixir documentation shows raw examples from the SurrealDB docs, so that it's very clear what happens behind the covers. You can keep referring the official docs!
- first-class support for live-query callbacks (currently the ONLY Elixir SDK)
- `:telemetry` events for request handling
- extensive and very maintainble (thanks to [mneme](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme)) E2E tests against SurrealDB server (https://github.com/maxohq/surrealix/tree/main/lib/surrealdb)
## Usage
# {:ok, pid} = Surrealix.start_link(namespace: "test", database: "test", debug: [:trace]) ## for debugging!
{:ok, pid} = Surrealix.start_link(namespace: "test", database: "test")
Surrealix.signin(pid, %{user: "root", pass: "root"})
Surrealix.use(pid, "test", "test")
Surrealix.query(pid, "SELECT * FROM person;")
Surrealix.query(pid, "SELECT * FROM type::table($table);", %{table: "person"})
## Example with live query callbacks
Surrealix.live_query(pid, "LIVE SELECT * FROM user;", fn data, query_id ->
IO.inspect({data, query_id}, label: "callback")
## Example with live query with DIFF
Surrealix.live_query(pid, "LIVE SELECT DIFF FROM user;", fn data, query_id ->
IO.inspect({data, query_id}, label: "callback")
# inspect currently registered live queries
## Telemetry
Currently library publishes only 3 events:
events = [
[:surrealix, :exec_method, :start],
[:surrealix, :exec_method, :stop],
[:surrealix, :exec_method, :exception]
In the `meta` there is further information about the method name and the arguments, that were sent to SurrealDB server.
As example we provide a `Surrealix.Telemetry.Logger`, that logs those events to the console.
## Configure basic logger telemetry
## Configuration
## in config.exs / runtime.exs file
# default 5000
config :surrealix, timeout: :infinity
config :surrealix, :conn,
hostname: "",
port: 8000
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `surrealix` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:surrealix, "~> 0.1"}
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/surrealix>.
## Aknowledgements
Code foundation was taken from https://github.com/joojscript/surrealdb_ex. Since this package has not received any commits in the last 7 months (2023-10-31) and the issues are left uncommented, I have assumed that the maintainer is not interested in any contributions.
## Ref
- [Websockex callbacks (Elixir)](https://github.com/Azolo/websockex/blob/master/lib/websockex.ex)
- [Websocket Text Protocol](https://surrealdb.com/docs/integration/websocket/text)
- [JS SDK for websockets](https://github.com/surrealdb/surrealdb.js/blob/main/src/strategies/websocket.ts)
- [Source code for the Websocket Text Protocol docs](https://github.com/surrealdb/www.surrealdb.com/blob/main/app/templates/docs/integration/websocket/text.hbs)
- [SurrealDB SQL statements](https://surrealdb.com/docs/surrealql/statements)
- [SurrealDB functions](https://surrealdb.com/docs/surrealql/functions)
## Todo
- [x] handle live query updates properly
- [x] debug modus with verbose logging
- [x] integration tests
- [ ] handle disconnects gracefully
## Support
<a href="https://quantor.consulting/?utm_source=github&utm_campaign=surrealix">
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maxohq/sponsors/main/assets/quantor_consulting_logo.svg"
alt="Sponsored by Quantor Consulting" width="210">
## License
The lib is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).