# SVG  [![](]( [![](](

Tools for caching and serving SVGs for Phoenix.

## Installation

Add to your `mix.exs` as usual:
def deps do
  [{:svg, "~> 1.0.0"}]
If you're not using [application inference](, then add `:svg` to your `applications` list.

Then configure it in your `config.exs`:

config :svg, otp_app: :my_app # Replace :my_app

## Using base64 encoded SVGs at runtime

Run the background server:

defmodule YourApp do
  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do
    import Supervisor.Spec

    children = [
      # .. Ecto, Repo, etc.

      worker(SVG.Server, [])

    # ...

The server will build up cache when the main application starts. It will concurrently read all svgs in your `priv/static/images` folder and cache them in memory. You can then use the base64 encoded svgs like so:

<img src="<%=raw SVG.Server.get("icons/add") %>">

Where `icons/add` corresponds to `priv/static/images/icons/add.svg` on the filesystem. You may want to alias the server when using in templates:

alias SVG.Server, as: SVG
and then you can use `SVG.get/1` directly.

## Utility functions

See [docs]( for functions available on the main SVG module.

## About

<img src="" height="50px">

This project is sponsored by [Heresy]( We're always looking for great engineers to join our team, so if you love Elixir, open source and enjoy some challenge, drop us a line and say hello!

## License

- svg: See LICENSE file.
- "Heresy" name and logo: Copyright © 2017 Heresy Software Ltd