# Svx

A PoC for single-file components for [Phoenix]( [LiveView](

## Table of Contents

- [Installation](#installation)
- [How to](#how-to)
  - [Component structure](#component-structure) 
  - [Module names](#module-names)
  - [Generated CSS](#generated-css)
  - [Errors](#errors)
  - [Example](#example)
- [Generated CSS](#generated-css)
- [Caveats](#caveats)
- [Motivation](#motivation)

## Installation

1. Add `svx` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:svx, "~> 0.3.2"}

**Note**: Requires `fswatch` (`apt-get fswatch` or `brew install fswatch`)

2. In `lib/<you_app>/application.ex` add Svx to apps that you start:

{Svx.Compiler, [path: "lib/<your_app>_web/live", namespace: ExampleWeb.Live]}

3. Add `@import "./generated.css";` to `assets/css/app.css`
4. Create your views as `.lsvx` in `lib/your_app_web/live`

They will be available under `ExampleWeb.Live`.

## How to

See also [priv/example]( for a full example

### Component structure

An svx-component is a file with a `.lsvx` extension that contains three parts
(the order in which they appear in the file is not important):

- `<script lang="elixir">... code ...</script>` that contains your module's Elixir code. 
  The `mount` function goes in here, as any other function you would write in your `view.ex`

- `<style>... css ... </style>`. Regular css. CSS from each svx-component will be extracted
  and placed in a single file at `asstes/css/generated.css`. No, the CSS isn't scoped, it
  requires far more work than is feasible for a PoC

- regular HTML/HEex. Everything else in the file is assumed to be regular HTML/Heex and will
  form the basis of the `render/1` function

### Module names

Module names are generated by a simple substitution:

- take path relative to lib
- remove all underscores (`_`)
- Title Case everything
- join with periods (`.`)

So, `your_app/lib/your_app_web/live/ui/some_module.lsvx` becomes `YourAppWeb.Live.Ui.SomeModule`

When you set up your `router.ex`, you can `*Web`:

  scope "/", SvxWeb do
    pipe_through :browser

    get "/", PageController, :index
    live "/thermostat", Live.Thermostat

Svx compiler will output component names to stdout, so you you can see what names are actually generated

### Generated CSS

All code in `<style></style>` is extracted and placed at `assets/css/generated.css`.
The easiest way to make sure that it's reloaded when you change it is to add
`@import "./generated.css";` to `assets/css/app.css`

### Errors

If you have errors in your markup, Svx will still attempt to compile your component,
but will replace component content with the error from Heex tokenizer or other errors
that may arise when compiling the component.

### Example

- Place component code below at `lib/your_app_web/live/thermostat.lsvx`
- In your `router.ex` add
  scope "/", YourAppWeb do
    pipe_through :browser

    get "/", PageController, :index
    live "/thermostat", Live.Thermostat
- Add `@import "./generated.css";` to `assets/css/app.css`
- Run your Phoenix app with `iex -S mix phx.server`, and navigate to http://localhost:4000/thermostat
- Change Elixir code, HTML, styles, and see them update in the browser

#### Component code

<script type="elixir">
  use ExampleWeb, :live_view

  def mount(_params, _p, socket) do
    temperature = 11
    {:ok, assign(socket, :temperature, temperature)}

<%= for x <- [1,2,3], do: "#{x}" %>

<div title={@temperature}>
  <p class={"temp-#{@temperature > 10}"}>Hello, temperature is: <%= @temperature %></p>

  .temp-false {
    color: blue;
    font-size: 24pt;
    text-decoration: underline;
  .temp-true {
    color: red;
    font-size: 24pt;
    text-decoration: underline;

The code above is equivalent to

defmodule YourAppWeb.Live.Thermostat do
  use ExampleWeb, :live_view

  def mount(_params, _p, socket) do
    temperature = 11
    {:ok, assign(socket, :temperature, temperature)}

  def render(assigns) do
    <%= for x <- [1,2,3], do: "#{x}" %>

    <div title={@temperature}>
      <p class={"temp-#{@temperature > 10}"}>Hello, temperature is: <%= @temperature %></p>

And the css will be located at `assets/css/generated.css`

## Caveats

It's a proof of concept. So things will definitely break :)

The code uses LiveView's `Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLTokenizer.tokenize/5` directly:

- If that API changes, is removed or becomes private, svx breaks
- This API isn't aware of Eex constructs, so the code does some string replacement:
  - replace Eex-like tokens and Elixir-like tokens inside Eex with placeholders
  - tokenize
  - replace placeholders back
  I didnt' do any exhaustive checking on this, so there will d,efinitely be some constructs
  that break

Additionally, all I do is create a string with module code, and run `Code.compile_string/2`
on it. So this can break :)

Also: no tests. Of course. It's a PoC :D

## Motivation

I really like [Svelte's single file components]( and wished
I had something similar for LiveView:

- Templating code isn't split into a separate file
- Templating code isn't in a string
- Styling code isn't in a separate file in an entirely different directory

IMO the sweet spot for single-file components is a medium-to-large template with not too-much
elixir code powering it.