# Elixir Based Star Wars API Wrapper

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A simple wrapper for the [Star Wars API]( - [Swapi Documentation](

## Installation

The [Hex package]( can be installed as:

  1. Add `swapi` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

        def deps do
          [{:swapi, "~> 0.0.1"}]

  2. Ensure `swapi` is started before your application:

        def application do
          [applications: [:swapi]]

## Usage

#### Root

# Get the list of resources
iex> Swapi.root
{:ok, {...}}

#### People

# Get all people
iex> Swapi.people
{:ok, {...}}

# Get single person
iex> Swapi.people(1)
{:ok, {...}}

#### Films

# Get all films
iex> Swapi.films
{:ok, {...}}

# Get single film
iex> Swapi.films(1)
{:ok, {...}}

#### Starships

# Get all starships
iex> Swapi.starships
{:ok, {...}}

# Get single starship
iex> Swapi.starships(1)
{:ok, {...}}

#### Vehicles

# Get all vehicles
iex> Swapi.vehicles
{:ok, {...}}

# Get single vehicle
iex> Swapi.vehicles(1)
{:ok, {...}}

#### Species

# Get all species
iex> Swapi.species
{:ok, {...}}

# Get single species
iex> Swapi.species(1)
{:ok, {...}}

#### Planets

# Get all planets
iex> Swapi.planets
{:ok, {...}}

# Get single planet
iex> Swapi.planets(1)
{:ok, {...}}

#### Schema

# Get the schema for people (all other resources work as well)
iex> Swapi.schema("people")
{:ok, {...}}