`SweetXml` is a thin wrapper around `:xmerl`. It allows you to converts a
`string` or `xmlElement` record as defined in `:xmerl` to an elixir value such
as `map`, `list`, `char_list`, or any combination of these.
## Examples
Given a xml document such as below
<?xml version="1.05" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<matchup winner-id="1">
<name>Match One</name>
<name>Team One</name>
<name>Team Two</name>
<matchup winner-id="2">
<name>Match Two</name>
<name>Team Two</name>
<name>Team Three</name>
<matchup winner-id="1">
<name>Match Three</name>
<name>Team One</name>
<name>Team Three</name>
We can do the following
import SweetXml
doc = "..." # as above
get the name of the first match
result = doc |> xpath(~x"//matchup/name/text()") # `sigil_x` for (x)path
assert result == 'Match One'
get the xml record of the name of the first match
result = doc |> xpath(~x"//matchup/name"e) # `e` is the modifier for (e)ntity
assert result == {:xmlElement, :name, :name, [], {:xmlNamespace, [], []},
[matchup: 2, matchups: 2, game: 1], 2, [],
[{:xmlText, [name: 2, matchup: 2, matchups: 2, game: 1], 1, [],
'Match One', :text}], [],
get the full list of matchup name
result = doc |> xpath(~x"//matchup/name/text()"l) # `l` stands for (l)ist
assert result == ['Match One', 'Match Two', 'Match Three']
get a list of matchups with different map structure
result = doc |> xpath(
name: ~x"./name/text()",
winner: [
name: ~x"./name/text()"
assert result == [
%{name: 'Match One', winner: %{name: 'Team One'}},
%{name: 'Match Two', winner: %{name: 'Team Two'}},
%{name: 'Match Three', winner: %{name: 'Team One'}}
Or directly return a mapping of your liking
result = doc |> xmap(
matchups: [
name: ~x"./name/text()",
winner: [
name: ~x"./name/text()"
last_matchup: [
name: ~x"./name/text()",
winner: [
name: ~x"./name/text()"
assert result == %{
matchups: [
%{name: 'Match One', winner: %{name: 'Team One'}},
%{name: 'Match Two', winner: %{name: 'Team Two'}},
%{name: 'Match Three', winner: %{name: 'Team One'}}
last_matchup: %{name: 'Match Three', winner: %{name: 'Team One'}}
## The ~x Sigil
In the above examples, we used the expression `~x"//some/path"` to
define the path. The reason is it allows us to more precisely specify what
is being returned.
* `~x"//some/path"`
without any modifiers, `xpath/2` will return the value of the entity if
the entity is of type `xmlText`, `xmlAttribute`, `xmlPI`, `xmlComment`
as defined in `:xmerl`
* `~x"//some/path"e`
`e` stands for (e)ntity. This forces `xpath/2` to return the entity with
which you can further chain your `xpath/2` call
* `~x"//some/path"l`
'l' stands for (l)ist. This forces `xpath/2` to return a list. Without
`l`, `xpath/2` will only return the first element of the match
* `~x"//some/path"el` - mix of the above
Also in the examples section, we always import SweetXml first. This
makes `x_sigil` available in the current scope. Without it, instead of using
`~x`, you can use the `%SweetXpath` struct
assert ~x"//some/path"e == %SweetXpath{path: '//some/path', is_value: false, is_list: false}
Note the use of char_list in the path definition.
## From Chaining to Nesting
Here's a brief explanation to how nesting came about.
### Chaining
Both `xpath` and `xmap` can take an `:xmerl` xml record as the first argment.
Therefore you can chain calls to these functions like below:
|> xpath(~x"//li"l)
|> Enum.map fn (li_node) ->
name: li_node |> xpath(~x"./name/text()"),
age: li_node |> xpath(~x"./age/text()")
### Mapping to a structure
Since the previous example is such a common use case, SweetXml allows you just
simply do the following
|> xpath(
name: ~x"./name/text()",
age: ~x"./age/text()"
### Nesting
But what you want is sometimes more complex than just that, SweetXml thus also
allows nesting
|> xpath(
name: [
first: ~x"./first/text()",
last: ~x"./last/text()"
age: ~x"./age/text()"
For more examples, please take a look at the tests and help.