
defmodule Swoosh.Email do
  @moduledoc """
  Defines an Email.

  This module defines a `Swoosh.Email` struct and the main functions for composing an email.  As it is the contract for
  the public APIs of Swoosh it is a good idea to make use of these functions rather than build the struct yourself.

  ## Email fields

  * `from` - the email address of the sender, example: `{"Tony Stark", ""}`
  * `to` - the email address for the recipient(s), example: `[{"Steve Rogers", ""}]`
  * `subject` - the subject of the email, example: `"Hello, Avengers!"`
  * `cc` - the intended carbon copy recipient(s) of the email, example: `[{"Bruce Banner", ""}]`
  * `bcc` - the intended blind carbon copy recipient(s) of the email, example: `[{"Janet Pym", ""}]`
  * `text_body` - the content of the email in plaintext, example: `"Hello"`
  * `html_body` - the content of the email in HTML, example: `"<h1>Hello</h1>"`
  * `reply_to` - the email address that should receive replies, example: `{"Clint Barton", ""}`
  * `headers` - a map of headers that should be included in the email, example: `%{"X-Accept-Language" => "en-us, en"}`
  * `attachments` - a list of attachments that should be included in the email, example: `[%{path: "/data/uuid-random", filename: "", content_type: "application/zip"}]`
  * `assigns` - a map of values that correspond with any template variables, example: `%{"first_name" => "Bruce"}`

  ## Private

  This key is reserved for use with adapters, libraries and frameworks.

  * `private` - a map of values that are for use by libraries/frameworks, example: `%{phoenix_template: "welcome.html.eex"}`
    - `hackney_options` will be passed to underlining hackney post call

  ## Provider options

  This key allow users to make use of provider-specific functionality by passing along addition parameters.

  * `provider_options` - a map of values that are specific to adapter provider, example: `%{async: true}`

  ## Examples

      email =
        |> to("")
        |> from("")
        |> text_body("Welcome to the Avengers")

  The composable nature makes it very easy to continue expanding upon a given Email.

      email =
        |> cc({"Steve Rogers", ""})
        |> cc("")
        |> bcc(["", {"Henry McCoy", ""}])
        |> html_body("<h1>Special Welcome</h1>")

  You can also directly pass arguments to the `new/1` function.

      email = new(from: "", to: "", subject: "Hello, Avengers!")

  alias Swoosh.Email.Recipient

  defstruct subject: "",
            from: nil,
            to: [],
            cc: [],
            bcc: [],
            text_body: nil,
            html_body: nil,
            attachments: [],
            reply_to: nil,
            headers: %{},
            private: %{},
            assigns: %{},
            provider_options: %{}

  @type name :: String.t()
  @type address :: String.t()
  @type mailbox :: {name, address}
  @type subject :: String.t()
  @type text_body :: String.t()
  @type html_body :: String.t()

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          subject: String.t(),
          from: mailbox | nil,
          to: [mailbox],
          cc: [mailbox] | [],
          bcc: [mailbox] | [],
          text_body: text_body | nil,
          html_body: html_body | nil,
          reply_to: mailbox | nil,
          headers: map,
          private: map,
          assigns: map,
          attachments: [Swoosh.Attachment.t()],
          provider_options: map

  @doc ~S"""
  Returns a `Swoosh.Email` struct.

  You can pass a keyword list or a map argument to the function that will be used
  to populate the fields of that struct. Note that it will silently ignore any
  fields that it doesn't know about.

  ## Examples
      iex> new()

      iex> new(subject: "Hello, Avengers!")
      %Swoosh.Email{subject: "Hello, Avengers!"}

      iex> new(from: "")
      %Swoosh.Email{from: {"", ""}}
      iex> new(from: {"Tony Stark", ""})
      %Swoosh.Email{from: {"Tony Stark", ""}}

      iex> new(to: "")
      %Swoosh.Email{to: [{"", ""}]}
      iex> new(to: {"Steve Rogers", ""})
      %Swoosh.Email{to: [{"Steve Rogers", ""}]}
      iex> new(to: [{"Bruce Banner", ""}, ""])
      %Swoosh.Email{to: [{"Bruce Banner", ""}, {"", ""}]}

      iex> new(cc: "")
      %Swoosh.Email{cc: [{"", ""}]}
      iex> new(cc: {"Steve Rogers", ""})
      %Swoosh.Email{cc: [{"Steve Rogers", ""}]}
      iex> new(cc: [{"Bruce Banner", ""}, ""])
      %Swoosh.Email{cc: [{"Bruce Banner", ""}, {"", ""}]}

      iex> new(bcc: "")
      %Swoosh.Email{bcc: [{"", ""}]}
      iex> new(bcc: {"Steve Rogers", ""})
      %Swoosh.Email{bcc: [{"Steve Rogers", ""}]}
      iex> new(bcc: [{"Bruce Banner", ""}, ""])
      %Swoosh.Email{bcc: [{"Bruce Banner", ""}, {"", ""}]}

      iex> new(html_body: "<h1>Welcome, Avengers</h1>")
      %Swoosh.Email{html_body: "<h1>Welcome, Avengers</h1>"}

      iex> new(text_body: "Welcome, Avengers")
      %Swoosh.Email{text_body: "Welcome, Avengers"}

      iex> new(reply_to: "")
      %Swoosh.Email{reply_to: {"", ""}}
      iex> new(reply_to: {"Edwin Jarvis", ""})
      %Swoosh.Email{reply_to: {"Edwin Jarvis", ""}}

      iex> new(headers: %{"X-Accept-Language" => "en"})
      %Swoosh.Email{headers: %{"X-Accept-Language" => "en"}}

      iex> new(assigns: %{user_id: 10})
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{user_id: 10}}

      iex> new(provider_options: %{async: true})
      %Swoosh.Email{provider_options: %{async: true}}

  You can obviously combine these arguments together:

      iex> new(to: "", subject: "Hello, Avengers!")
      %Swoosh.Email{to: [{"", ""}], subject: "Hello, Avengers!"}
  @spec new(none | Enum.t()) :: t
  def new(opts \\ []) do
    Enum.reduce(opts, %__MODULE__{}, &do_new/2)

  defp do_new({key, value}, email)
       when key in [
            ] do
    apply(__MODULE__, key, [email, value])

  defp do_new({key, value}, email)
       when key in [:headers, :assigns, :provider_options] do
    Map.put(email, key, value)

  defp do_new({key, value}, _email) do
    raise ArgumentError,
      message: """
      invalid field `#{inspect(key)}` (value=#{inspect(value)}) for

  @doc """
  Sets a recipient in the `from` field.

  ## Examples

      iex> new() |> from({"Steve Rogers", ""})
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [], cc: [], from: {"Steve Rogers", ""},
       headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
       reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}

      iex> new() |> from("")
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [], cc: [], from: {"", ""},
       headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
       reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}
  @spec from(t, Recipient.t()) :: t
  def from(%__MODULE__{} = email, from) do
    %{email | from: Recipient.format(from)}

  @doc """
  Sets a recipient in the `reply_to` field.

  ## Examples

      iex> new() |> reply_to({"Steve Rogers", ""})
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
       headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
       reply_to: {"Steve Rogers", ""}, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}

      iex> new() |> reply_to("")
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
       headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
       reply_to: {"", ""}, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}
  @spec reply_to(t, Recipient.t()) :: t
  def reply_to(%__MODULE__{} = email, reply_to) do
    %{email | reply_to: Recipient.format(reply_to)}

  @doc """
  Sets the `subject` field.

  The subject must be a string that contains the subject.

  ## Examples

      iex> new() |> subject("Hello, Avengers!")
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [],
       cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{}, html_body: nil,
       private: %{}, provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "Hello, Avengers!",
       text_body: nil, to: []}
  @spec subject(t, subject) :: t
  def subject(email, subject), do: %{email | subject: subject}

  @doc """
  Sets the `text_body` field.

  The text body must be a string that containing the plaintext content.

  ## Examples

      iex> new() |> text_body("Hello")
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [],
       cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{}, html_body: nil,
       private: %{}, provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "",
       text_body: "Hello", to: []}
  @spec text_body(t, text_body | nil) :: t
  def text_body(email, text_body), do: %{email | text_body: text_body}

  @doc """
  Sets the `html_body` field.

  The HTML body must be a string that containing the HTML content.

  ## Examples

      iex> new() |> html_body("<h1>Hello</h1>")
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [],
       cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{}, html_body: "<h1>Hello</h1>",
       private: %{}, provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "",
       text_body: nil, to: []}
  @spec html_body(t, html_body | nil) :: t
  def html_body(email, html_body), do: %{email | html_body: html_body}

  @doc """
  Adds new recipients in the `bcc` field.

      iex> new() |> bcc("")
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [{"", ""}],
       cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{}, html_body: nil,
       private: %{}, provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "",
       text_body: nil, to: []}
  @spec bcc(t, Recipient.t() | [Recipient.t()]) :: t
  def bcc(%__MODULE__{bcc: bcc} = email, recipients) do
    recipients =
      |> List.wrap()
      |> Enum.concat(bcc)

    %{email | bcc: recipients}

  @doc """
  Puts new recipients in the `bcc` field.

  It will replace any previously added `bcc` recipients.
  @spec put_bcc(t, Recipient.t() | [Recipient.t()]) :: t
  def put_bcc(%__MODULE__{} = email, recipients) do
    %{email | bcc: recipients |> List.wrap() |>}

  @doc """
  Adds new recipients in the `cc` field.

  ## Examples

      iex> new() |> cc("")
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [],
       cc: [{"", ""}], from: nil, headers: %{}, html_body: nil,
       private: %{}, provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "",
       text_body: nil, to: []}
  @spec cc(t, Recipient.t() | [Recipient.t()]) :: t
  def cc(%__MODULE__{cc: cc} = email, recipients) do
    recipients =
      |> List.wrap()
      |> Enum.concat(cc)

    %{email | cc: recipients}

  @doc """
  Puts new recipients in the `cc` field.

  It will replace any previously added `cc` recipients.
  @spec put_cc(t, Recipient.t() | [Recipient.t()]) :: t
  def put_cc(%__MODULE__{} = email, recipients) do
    %{email | cc: recipients |> List.wrap() |>}

  @doc """
  Adds new recipients in the `to` field.

  ## Examples

      iex> new() |> to("")
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [],
       cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{}, html_body: nil,
       private: %{}, provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "",
       text_body: nil, to: [{"", ""}]}
  @spec to(t, Recipient.t() | [Recipient.t()]) :: t
  def to(%__MODULE__{to: to} = email, recipients) do
    recipients =
      |> List.wrap()
      |> Enum.concat(to)

    %{email | to: recipients}

  @doc """
  Puts new recipients in the `to` field.

  It will replace any previously added `to` recipients.
  @spec put_to(t, Recipient.t() | [Recipient.t()]) :: t
  def put_to(%__MODULE__{} = email, recipients) do
    %{email | to: recipients |> List.wrap() |>}

  @doc """
  Adds a new `header` in the email.

  The name and value must be specified as strings.

  ## Examples

      iex> new() |> header("X-Magic-Number", "7")
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
       headers: %{"X-Magic-Number" => "7"}, html_body: nil, private: %{},
       provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}
  @spec header(t, String.t(), String.t()) :: t
  def header(%__MODULE__{} = email, name, value) when is_binary(name) and is_binary(value) do
    put_in(email.headers[name], value)

  def header(%__MODULE__{}, name, value) do
    raise ArgumentError,
      message: """
      header/3 expects the header name and value to be strings.

      Instead it got:
        name: `#{inspect(name)}`.
        value: `#{inspect(value)}`.

  @doc ~S"""
  Stores a new **private** key and value in the email.

  This store is meant to be for libraries/framework usage. The name should be
  specified as an atom, the value can be any term.

  ## Examples

      iex> new() |> put_private(:phoenix_template, "welcome.html")
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
       headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{phoenix_template: "welcome.html"},
       provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}
  @spec put_private(t, atom, any) :: t
  def put_private(%__MODULE__{private: private} = email, key, value) when is_atom(key) do
    %{email | private: Map.put(private, key, value)}

  @doc ~S"""
  Stores a new **provider_option** key and value in the email.

  This store is meant for adapter usage, to aid provider-specific functionality.
  The name should be specified as an atom, the value can be any term.

  ## Examples

      iex> new() |> put_provider_option(:async, true)
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, attachments: [], bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
       headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{async: true},
       reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}
  @spec put_provider_option(t, atom, any) :: t
  def put_provider_option(%__MODULE__{provider_options: provider_options} = email, key, value)
      when is_atom(key) do
    %{email | provider_options: Map.put(provider_options, key, value)}

  @doc ~S"""
  Stores a new variable key and value in the email.

  This store is meant for variables used in templating. The name should be specified as an atom, the value can be any

  ## Examples

      iex> new() |> assign(:username, "ironman")
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{username: "ironman"}, attachments: [], bcc: [],
       cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{},
       provider_options: %{}, reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: []}
  @spec assign(t, atom, any) :: t
  def assign(%__MODULE__{assigns: assigns} = email, key, value) when is_atom(key) do
    %{email | assigns: Map.put(assigns, key, value)}

  @doc ~S"""
  Add a new attachment in the email.

  You can pass the path to a file, a `Swoosh.Attachment` or a `%Plug.Upload{}` struct
  as an argument. If you give a path we will detect the MIME type and determine the filename

  You can also send an inline-attachment used for embedding images in the body of emails by specifying `type: :inline`

  ## Examples

      iex> new() |> attachment("/data/")
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
       headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
       reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: [],
       attachments: [%Swoosh.Attachment{path: "/data/",
        content_type: "application/zip", filename: "",
        type: :attachment, data: nil, headers: []}]}
      iex> new() |> attachment("/data/"))
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
       headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
       reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: [],
       attachments: [%Swoosh.Attachment{path: "/data/",
        content_type: "application/zip", filename: "",
        type: :attachment, data: nil, headers: []}]}
      iex> new() |> attachment(%Plug.Upload{path: "/data/abcdefg", content_type: "test/type", filename: ""})
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
       headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
       reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: [],
       attachments: [%Swoosh.Attachment{path: "/data/abcdefg",
        content_type: "test/type", filename: "",
        type: :attachment, data: nil, headers: []}]}
      iex> new() |> attachment("/data/att.png", type: :inline))
      %Swoosh.Email{assigns: %{}, bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
       headers: %{}, html_body: nil, private: %{}, provider_options: %{},
       reply_to: nil, subject: "", text_body: nil, to: [],
       attachments: [%Swoosh.Attachment{path: "/data/att.png",
        content_type: "image/png", filename: "att.png",
        type: :inline, data: nil, headers: []}]}
  @spec attachment(t, binary | Swoosh.Attachment.t()) :: t
  def attachment(%__MODULE__{attachments: attachments} = email, path) when is_binary(path) do
    %{email | attachments: [ | attachments]}

  def attachment(%__MODULE__{attachments: attachments} = email, %Swoosh.Attachment{} = attachment) do
    %{email | attachments: [attachment | attachments]}

  if Code.ensure_loaded?(Plug) do
    def attachment(%__MODULE__{attachments: attachments} = email, %Plug.Upload{} = upload) do
      %{email | attachments: [ | attachments]}