# SyncedState
[Online Documentation](https://hex.pm/synced_state)
SyncedState is a macro to help you sync state changes across Phoenix LiveViews. It's a wrapper around `handle_event/3` and `handle_info/2`, and the reason for its creation is chronicled [here](./blogpost.md)
## Usage
SyncedState is meant to be used in your liveview module.
First, `import SyncedState`, and define a `@topic` and `@endpoint` module. Also, ensure that your liveview is subscribed to the topic:
defmodule MyAppWeb.WidgetLive.Index do
use MyAppWeb, :live_view
alias MyApp.Widgets
alias MyApp.Widgets.Widget
import SyncedState # import, not use
@topic Atom.to_string(__MODULE__) # This will be used as the broadcast topic
@endpoint MyAppWeb.Endpoint # This will be used to broadcast
@impl true
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
@endpoint.subscribe(@topic) # Make sure you're subscribed
{:ok, stream(socket, :widgets, Widgets.list_widgets())}
Next, use `sync_state` to define the event name you'd like to use. The `sync_state` macro expects a `do` block, and an `after` block:
defmodule MyAppWeb.WidgetLive.Index do
sync_state "increment"
# this block has the event payload in scope as `payload` and the socket in scope, and expects you to return a three element tuple of {handle_event_response, socket, result}
%{"id" => id} = payload
widget = Widgets.get_widget!(id)
{:ok, updated_widget} = Live.Widgets.update_widget(widget, %{count: widget.count + 1})
{:noreply, socket, updated_widget}
# this block has the result returned as the third element of the tuple above, and the socket in scope, and expects you to return a two element tuple of {handle_info_response, socket}
{:noreply, stream_insert(socket, :widgets, result)}
It's important to note: the first do block is executed in just the LiveView process which is handling that event, and the `after` block is executed in all LiveView process of the same type, so ideally the `after` block isn't doing anything but updating the socket.
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `synced_state` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:synced_state, "~> 0.0.2"}