# SyphtClient

An Elixir client for the Sypht API <>

The method SyphtClient.send\1 demonstrates the API:

def send(path) do
  with {:ok, access_token} <- SyphtClient.Auth.access_token(),
       {:ok, file_id} <- SyphtClient.Upload.file(access_token, path),
       {:ok, result} <- SyphtClient.Result.get(access_token, file_id) do
    {:ok, result}
    {:error, reason} -> {:error, reason}

Access tokens are persisted using Cachex.

The `sypht` mix task included in this repo lets you call this from the command line. The workflow can take a little while.

The client is designed to run with a consumer or worker process started by something like [ConsumerSupervisor](, [Flow]( or [Broadway]( Sypht API calls will retry failed requests based on configuration settings. See mix.exs for details.

If you want finer-grained control, invoke the methods in the SyphtClient.Auth, SyphtClient.Upload and SyphtClient.Result modules directly.

All Sypht client APIs depend on the environment variable SYPHT_API_KEY for authentication. This variable must be provided in the format CLIENT_ID:CLIENT_SECRET.

You will as a minimum want to override the default upload_field_sets configuration value. See mix.exs and config.exs for details.

## Installation

This package is installed by adding `sypht_client` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:sypht_client, "~> 0.1.0"}

Hex docs can be found at [](