# SystemRegistry


Local, transactional, nested term storage and dispatch registry.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `system_registry` to your list of
dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:system_registry, "~> 0.1"}]

## Overview

SystemRegistry is a nested term storage and dispatch system. It takes a
different approach to the typical publish-subscribe pattern by focusing on data
instead of events. SystemRegistry is local (as opposed to distributed) and
transactional (as opposed to asynchronous) in order to eliminate race
conditions. SystemRegistry is similar to Elixir.Registry but differs in that it
is intended to construct a single global state that any process can contribute
to and register to consume.  Registrants are rate-limited to control how often
they receive state updates and will eventually become consistent. Rate limiting
decouples the consumers from the publisher's update interval, enabling consumers
to shed unnecessary load.

Data is stored in system registry as a tree of nodes, represented by a nested
map.  The tree of nodes is comprised of two types of nodes.

* internal node: A key with a value that **is** a map.
* leaf node: A key wth a value that **is not** a map.

The tree is navigated using a list of keys representing the path to the desired
leaf node called a `scope`.


%{state: %{network_interface: %{"wlan0" => %{ipv4_address: ""}}}}

In this example, there is only one leaf node, `ipv4_address`, located at the
scope `[:state, :network_interface, "wlan0", :ipv4_address]`

Processes contribute data to SystemRegistry by applying a transaction. A
transaction can modify data by composing one or many calls to update, delete, or
move. Registrants are notified of a change once the entire transaction has been
successfully applied.

Data flows through SystemRegistry in two phases. First, process data is stored
in a separate fragment labeled by the caller pid and only contains the applied
transactions of the caller. Second, the local pid fragment is then applied to
the global state through a `SystemRegistry.Processor`.

Processors are workers that implement the `SystemRegistry.Processor` behaviour
and are the only means of moving data from local fragments to the global state.
Processors implement two callback methods: `handle_validate/2` and
`handle_commit/2`.  A transaction can only be committed if all processors return
`:ok` during the validation sequence. If a transaction fails validation, it will
only return an error to the caller if the transaction option `:notify_on_error`
is `true`. Transactions that result in errors will not clean up the local
fragment state. Processor validation errors are accumulated and returned in the
case of an unsuccessful commit.  SystemRegistry automatically starts two
processors for state and config.

**Global State Processor**

The `State` processor monitors transactions for any that are writing values to
the top-level `:state` scope. Since updates performs a deep merge, the `State`
processor will cause validation to fail if a processes attempts to overwrite a
sub-key of `:state` that has been set by a different process.

For example:

Task.start(fn -> SystemRegistry.update([:state, :a], 1))

{:error, {SystemRegistry.Processor.State, {:reserved_keys, [:a]}}} = SystemRegistry.update([:state, :a], 2)

The mount point for the `State` processor defaults to `:state`, but can be
configured in your application:

config :system_registry, SystemRegistry.Processor.State,
  mount: :somewhere_else

**Global Config Processor**

The `Config` processor monitors transactions for any that are writing values to
the top-level `:config` scope. Values in the config scope can be written to by
any process with a valid transaction.

It validates that the transaction option `:priority` is set to a value form the
application configuration. You can use `:_` to specify any priority value other
than the ones specified which includes `nil`.

config :system_registry, SystemRegistry.Processor.Config,
  priorities: [

If priorities are not declared in the application config, the default priority
levels `[:debug, :_, :persistence, :default]` will be used.

Options can be passed in when starting a transaction, or when using `update` /
`delete` directly.

# Pass as options
SystemRegistry.update([:config, :a], 1, priority: :debug)
# Or
SystemRegistry.transaction(priority: :debug)
|> SystemRegistry.update([:config, :a], 1)
|> SystemRegistry.commit

When the global state is returned, it will be the merged result of the state set
by each producing process in the priority order defined in the application
config.  In the example above, `:high` will take precedence over `:medium` and
`:medium` over `:low` and so on. Any transactions that fall into the `:_`
priority level will be merged together in no particular order.

The mount point for the `Config` processor defaults to `:config`, but can be
configured in your application:

config :system_registry, SystemRegistry.Processor.Config,
  mount: :somewhere_else

## Usage


{:ok, {%{state: 1}, %{}}} = SystemRegistry.update([:state], 1)

Calls to `update/2` return a delta-state as a 2-tuple of `{new, old}`. Updates
will either create keys (leaf nodes) or replace their value.

{:ok, {%{state: 1}, %{}}} = SystemRegistry.update([:state], 1)
{:ok, {%{state: 2}, %{state: 1}}} = SystemRegistry.update([:state], 2)

If we instead want to have sub-keys `:a` and `:b` under the top-level `:state`
key, we could do so like this:

{:ok, {%{state: %{a: 1}}, %{}} = SystemRegistry.update([:state, :a], 1)
{:ok, {%{state: %{a: 1, b: 2}}, %{state: %{a: 1}}} = SystemRegistry.update([:state, :b], 2)

If a map is provided as the value for a key, the map is recursively expanded
into a series of update calls representing the leaf nodes.

{:ok, {%{state: %{a: 1, b: 2}}, %{state: %{a: 1}}} = SystemRegistry.update([:state], %{a: 1, b: 2})

Data can also be updated in place using `update_in/2`

SystemRegistry.update([:state, :my_list], [1])
{:ok, {%{state: %{my_list: [1]}}, %{}}}

SystemRegistry.update_in([:state, :my_list], fn(value) -> [2 | value] end)
{:ok, {%{state: %{my_list: [1, 2]}}, %{state: %{my_list: [1]}}}


At any time, you can call `match/2` to fetch the current value of the registry
if the [`match_spec`]( matches
in the registry.

{:ok, {%{a: 1}, %{}}} = SystemRegistry.update([:a], 1)
%{a: 1} = SystemRegistry.match(self(), %{a: :_})
%{} = SystemRegistry.match(self(), %{b: :_})

**Note:** If you're not using a processor (like the included `:config` or
`:state`) your updates will be applied to the `local` fragment. To retrieve them
you must pass the pid as the first argument to `match`.

When using the `global` storage fragment via `:state`, `:config` or a custom
processor you may omit the pid.

iex(1)> {:ok, {new, old}} = SystemRegistry.update([:state, :a], 1)
{:ok, {%{state: %{a: 1}}, %{}}}
iex(2)> SystemRegistry.match(%{state: %{a: :_}})
%{state: %{a: 1}}


Calling `delete/1` will return the current state and recursively trim the tree
of any internal nodes which have a value of `%{}`.

{:ok, {%{a: 1}, %{}}} = SystemRegistry.update([:a], 1)
{:ok, %{}} = SystemRegistry.delete([:a])

{:ok, {%{a: %{b: %{c: 1}}}, %{}}} = SystemRegistry.update([:a, :b, :c], 1)
{:ok, %{}} = SystemRegistry.delete([:a, :b, :c])

SystemRegistry operates on a tree of nodes represented as nested maps, so if the
value assigned to a scope is a Map, it is recursively expanded into scopes.

{:ok, {%{a: %{b: 1}}, %{}}} = SystemRegistry.update([:a], %{b: 1})


Nodes can be moved from one scope to another. You can move both leaf nodes or
internal nodes.

SystemRegistry.update([:a], 1)
{:ok, {%{a: 1}, %{}}}
SystemRegistry.move([:a], [:b])
{:ok, {%{b: 1}, %{a: 1}}}

iex> SystemRegistry.update([:a], 1)
{:ok, {%{a: 1}, %{}}}
iex> SystemRegistry.transaction |> SystemRegistry.move([:a], [:b]) |> SystemRegistry.commit
{:ok, {%{b: 1}, %{a: 1}}}


Transactions let you compose `update` and `delete` functions using `transaction`
and `commit` so they are executed atomically. Under the hood, `update/3` and
`delete/2` pass a transaction through the pipeline and result in an atomic
merged `update` and/or `delete` operation:

{:ok, {%{a: 1, b: 2}, %{}}} =
  |> SystemRegistry.update([:a], 1)
  |> SystemRegistry.update([:b], 2)
  |> SystemRegistry.commit

## Dispatch API

Registrants can be rate-limited to avoid overwhelming them with frequent state
changes, while still eventually receiving an update of the complete state.  When
writing code that reacts to changes in global state, it is often not necessary
to process every event. For example, let's say we have a process that performs
an expensive operation when a certain chunk of state is changed. If the process
causing the state were to "flap" back and forth between states 100 times in a
second, we may only care to react to that change after it is done "flapping". If
we set up a consumer with a 1000 ms min_interval rate-limit, it would receive
the initial message and the final state when the time limit expires. You can
also set hysteresis to represent the amount of time the system should wait
before sending the current state prior to min_interval. min_interval and
hysteresis default to 0.

You can `register` to and `unregister` from the SystemRegistry to receive
messages when the contents of the registry change. Upon registration, the caller
will receive the current state.

{:ok, %{state: %{a: 1}}} = SystemRegistry.update([:state, :a], 1)
SystemRegistry.register(min_interval: 1000)

SystemRegistry.update([:state, :b], 2)

## flush()
#=> {:system_registry, :global, %{state: %{a: 1, b: 2}}}

SystemRegistry.update([:state, :b], 3)
## flush()
#=> (nothing)

How rate-limiting works

SystemRegistry.register(hysteresis: 50, min_interval: 1000)
SystemRegistry.update([:state, :b], 2)
## 50ms later
## flush()
#=> {:system_registry, :global, %{state: %{a: 1, b: 2}}}
SystemRegistry.update([:state, :b], 3)
SystemRegistry.update([:state, :b], 4)
## 1000ms later
## flush()
#=> {:system_registry, :global, %{state: %{a: 1, b: 2}}}