defmodule T2ServerQuery.PacketParser do
@moduledoc """
This module does the heavy lifting with parsing a Tribes 2 query response packet.
## UDP Packet Anatomy
### Info Packet
_header :: size(192),
server_name :: bitstring
### Status Packet
_header :: size(48),
game_type_length :: little-integer,
game_type :: binary-size(game_type_length),
mission_type_length :: little-integer,
mission_type :: binary-size(mission_type_length),
map_name_length :: little-integer,
map_name :: binary-size(map_name_length),
_skip_a :: size(8),
player_count :: little-integer,
max_player_count :: little-integer,
bot_count :: little-integer,
_skip_b :: size(16),
server_description_length :: little-integer,
server_description :: binary-size(server_description_length),
_skip_c :: size(16),
team_count :: binary-size(1),
rest :: bitstring
Notice the `_skip_(a|b|c)` mappings. I havn't quite figured out what they refer to yet but they don't seem that important. They likely relate to a few server flags like `tournament_mode`, `cpu_speed`, `is_linux`.
Refer to `T2ServerQuery.QueryResult` for what a typical struct would look like.
alias T2ServerQuery.QueryResult
@doc """
This function expects both an `info` and `status` packet to be passed in that is in a `Base.encode16` format.
Normally you wouldn't need to run this function manually since it's called in a pipeline from the main `T2ServerQuery.query`
@spec init({:error, String.t()}, any()) :: {:error, map()}
def init({:error, host}, _) do
results = %QueryResult{}
%{results |
server_status: :offline,
server_name: host,
server_description: "Host unreachable, timed out."
@spec init(binary(), binary()) :: {:ok, QueryResult.t()}
def init(info_packet, status_packet) when is_binary(info_packet) and is_binary(status_packet) do
info_results = info_packet
|> decode_clean_packet()
|> handle_info_packet()
status_results = status_packet
|> decode_clean_packet()
|> handle_status_packet()
|> parse_player_team_scores()
pack_results({:ok, status_results, info_results})
@spec pack_results({:ok, map(), map()}) :: {:ok, QueryResult.t()}
defp pack_results({:ok, status_results, info_results}) do
results = %QueryResult{}
%{results |
server_status: :online,
server_name: info_results.server_name,
game_type: status_results.game_type,
mission_type: status_results.mission_type,
map_name: status_results.map_name,
player_count: status_results.player_count,
max_player_count: status_results.max_player_count,
bot_count: status_results.bot_count,
server_description: status_results.server_description,
team_count: status_results.team_count,
teams: status_results.teams,
players: status_results.players
# Info packet structure
defp handle_info_packet({:ok, info_packet}) do
_header :: size(192),
server_name :: bitstring
>> = info_packet
%{server_name: server_name}
# Status packet structure
defp handle_status_packet({:ok, status_packet}) do
#IO.inspect status_packet, limit: :infinity
_header :: size(48),
game_type_length :: little-integer,
game_type :: binary-size(game_type_length),
mission_type_length :: little-integer,
mission_type :: binary-size(mission_type_length),
map_name_length :: little-integer,
map_name :: binary-size(map_name_length),
_skip_a :: size(8),
player_count :: little-integer,
max_player_count :: little-integer,
bot_count :: little-integer,
_skip_b :: size(16),
server_description_length :: little-integer,
server_description :: binary-size(server_description_length),
_skip_c :: size(16),
team_count :: binary-size(1),
rest :: bitstring
>> = status_packet
game_type_length: game_type_length,
game_type: game_type,
mission_type_length: mission_type_length,
mission_type: mission_type,
map_name_length: map_name_length,
map_name: map_name,
player_count: player_count,
max_player_count: max_player_count,
bot_count: bot_count,
server_description_length: server_description_length,
server_description: server_description,
team_count: String.to_integer(team_count),
teams: [],
players: [],
data: rest
# Take the of the status packet and parse out the team and player scores
defp parse_player_team_scores(packet) do
## Break the status query packet into multiple parts
## raw_game_info contains the map, gametype, mod, and description
## raw_players_info contains players, assigned team and score
[raw_team_scores | raw_players_info] = String.split(, "\n#{packet.player_count}", trim: true)
pack_teams = raw_team_scores
|> String.trim_leading
|> String.split("\n")
|> Enum.to_list
pack_players = raw_players_info
|> clean_player_info()
|> Enum.to_list
# We're done parsing the data key so we can remove it from our compiled struct
cleaned_packet = Map.delete(packet, :data)
%{cleaned_packet | teams: pack_teams, players: pack_players }
# Convert player array into a map
# parse_player_scores(["Inferno", "305"])
# > %{team: "Inferno", score: 305}
defp parse_team_scores(raw_team_scores) do[:name, :score], String.split(raw_team_scores, "\t"))
|> convert_score()
# Convert player array into a map
# parse_player_scores(["Anthony", "Storm", "100"])
# > %{player: "ElKapitan ", score: 100, team: "Inferno"}
defp parse_player_scores(player) do[:player, :team, :score], String.split(player, "\t", trim: true))
|> convert_score()
# Clean and spaces that might be in the packet for odd reason
defp decode_clean_packet(packet) do
|> String.replace(" ", "")
|> Base.decode16(case: :mixed)
# Convert string scores into integers
defp convert_score(%{score: score} = data) when is_binary(score) and not is_nil(data), do: %{data | score: String.to_integer(score)}
defp convert_score(%{score: score} = data) when is_integer(score) and not is_nil(data), do: data
defp convert_score(data), do: data
# Strip all non-printable UTF chars but preserve spaces, tabs and new-lines
defp clean_player_info(raw_players_info) do
Regex.replace(~r/(*UTF)[^\w\ \t\n\/*+-]+/, List.to_string(raw_players_info), "")
|> String.trim_leading
|> String.split("\n")