defmodule Table do
@moduledoc """
Unified access to tabular data.
Various data structures have a tabular representation, however to
access this representation, manual conversion is required. On top
of that, tabular access itself has two variants, a row-based one
and a column-based one, each useful under different circumstances.
The `Table` package provides a thin layer that unifies access to
tabular data in different formats.
## Protocol
The unified access is enabled for structs implementing the
`Table.Reader` protocol. Note that a struct may be representable
as tabular data only in some cases, so the protocol implementation
may be lax. Consequently, functions in this module will raise when
given non-tabular data.
By default the protocol is implemented for lists and maps of certain
# List of matching key-value lists
data = [
[{"id", 1}, {"name", "Sherlock"}],
[{"id", 2}, {"name", "John"}]
# List of matching maps
data = [
%{"id" => 1, "name" => "Sherlock"},
%{"id" => 2, "name" => "John"}
# List of column tuples
data = [
{"id", 1..2},
{"name", ["Sherlock", "John"]}
# Map with column values
data = %{
"id" => [1, 2],
"name" => ["Sherlock", "John"]
alias Table.Reader
@type column :: term()
@type tabular :: Reader.t() | Reader.row_reader() | Reader.column_reader()
@doc """
Accesses tabular data as a sequence of rows.
Returns an enumerable that emits each row as a map.
## Options
* `:only` - specifies a subset of columns to include in the result
## Examples
iex> data = %{id: [1, 2, 3], name: ["Sherlock", "John", "Mycroft"]}
iex> data |> Table.to_rows() |> Enum.to_list()
[%{id: 1, name: "Sherlock"}, %{id: 2, name: "John"}, %{id: 3, name: "Mycroft"}]
iex> data = [[id: 1, name: "Sherlock"], [id: 2, name: "John"], [id: 3, name: "Mycroft"]]
iex> data |> Table.to_rows() |> Enum.to_list()
[%{id: 1, name: "Sherlock"}, %{id: 2, name: "John"}, %{id: 3, name: "Mycroft"}]
@spec to_rows(tabular(), keyword()) :: Enumerable.t()
def to_rows(tabular, opts \\ []) do
only = opts[:only] &&[:only])
|> init_reader!()
|> read_rows(only)
# TODO: remove in v0.2
@deprecated "Use Table.Reader.init/1 to get reader with metadata, then pass the reader to Table.to_rows/2"
def to_rows_with_info(tabular, opts \\ []) do
reader = {_, meta, _} = Table.Reader.init(tabular)
{to_rows(reader, opts), meta}
defp init_reader!({:rows, %{}, _} = reader), do: reader
defp init_reader!({:columns, %{}, _} = reader), do: reader
defp init_reader!(tabular) do
with :none <- Reader.init(tabular) do
raise ArgumentError, "expected valid tabular data, but got: #{inspect(tabular)}"
defp read_rows({:rows, meta, enum}, only) do, fn values ->
build_row(meta.columns, values, only)
defp read_rows({:columns, meta, enum}, only) do
Table.Zipper.zip_with(enum, fn values ->
build_row(meta.columns, values, only)
defp build_row(columns, values, only) do
for {column, value} <-, values),
include_column?(only, column),
into: %{},
do: {column, value}
@doc """
Accesses tabular data as individual columns.
Returns a map with enumerables as values.
## Options
* `:only` - specifies a subset of columns to include in the result
## Examples
iex> data = [%{id: 1, name: "Sherlock"}, %{id: 2, name: "John"}, %{id: 3, name: "Mycroft"}]
iex> columns = Table.to_columns(data)
iex> Enum.to_list(
[1, 2, 3]
iex> Enum.to_list(
["Sherlock", "John", "Mycroft"]
@spec to_columns(tabular(), keyword()) :: %{column() => Enumerable.t()}
def to_columns(tabular, opts \\ []) do
only = opts[:only] &&[:only])
|> init_reader!()
|> read_columns(only)
# TODO: remove in v0.2
@deprecated "Use Table.Reader.init/1 to get reader with metadata, then pass the reader to Table.to_columns/2"
def to_columns_with_info(tabular, opts \\ []) do
reader = {_, meta, _} = Table.Reader.init(tabular)
{to_columns(reader, opts), meta}
defp read_columns({:columns, meta, enum}, only) do
for {column, values} <-, enum),
include_column?(only, column),
into: %{},
do: {column, values}
defp read_columns({:rows, meta, enum}, only) do
columns =
for {column, idx} <- Enum.with_index(meta.columns),
include_column?(only, column),
do: {column, idx, []}
# Note: we intentionally materialize the columns into memory,
# because having a separate stream for each column would be
# notably less efficient on the consumer side
columns = Enum.reduce(enum, columns, &row_into_columns/2)
for {column, _, acc} <- columns,
into: %{},
do: {column, Enum.reverse(acc)}
defp row_into_columns(row, columns), do: row_into_columns(row, 0, columns)
defp row_into_columns([value | values], idx, [{column, idx, acc} | columns]) do
[{column, idx, [value | acc]} | row_into_columns(values, idx + 1, columns)]
defp row_into_columns([_value | values], idx, columns) do
row_into_columns(values, idx + 1, columns)
defp row_into_columns([], _idx, []), do: []
defp include_column?(nil, _column), do: true
defp include_column?(only, column), do: MapSet.member?(only, column)