<img src="http://i.imgur.com/ipa4UVa.png" width="500" />
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**An Elixir app which generates text-based tables for display**
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/djm/table_rex/master/assets/examples.gif" width="500" alt="Layout Examples" />
Currently supports output:
* in customisable ASCII format.
* with your own renderer module.
* A one-liner for those that just want to render ASCII tables with sane defaults.
* Support for table titles & alignable headers.
* Support for column & cell level alignment (center, left, right).
* Automatic cell padding but also the option to set padding per column<sup>1</sup>.
* Frame the table with various vertical & horizontal styles<sup>1</sup>.
* Style the table how you wish with custom separators<sup>1</sup>.
* Works well with the Agent module to allow for easy sharing of state.
* Clients can supply their own rendering modules and still take advantage of the table manipulation API.
<sup>1</sup> The text renderer supports these features, others may not or might not need to.
See the quick start below or check out the [full API docs at HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm/table_rex/).
This software is pre-v1 and therefore the public API *may* change; any breaking changes will be clearly
denoted in the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md). After v1, the API will be stable.
## Installation
The package is [available on Hex](https://hex.pm/packages/table_rex), therefore:
**Add** `table_rex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:table_rex, "~> 0.8"}]
Then **start** `table_rex` by adding it to `application/0` in `mix.exs`:
def application do
[applications: [:logger, :table_rex]]
##Quick Start
Use the `TableRex.quick_render` and `TableRex.quick_render!` functions; for those that just want a table quickly.
Given this data:
title = "Drum & Bass Releases"
header = ["Artist", "Track", "Label", "Year"]
rows = [
["Konflict", "Cyanide", "Renegade Hardware", 1999],
["Marcus Intalex", "Temperance", "Soul:r", 2004],
["Kryptic Minds", "The Forgotten", "Defcom Records", 2007]
|> IO.puts
| Konflict | Cyanide | Renegade Hardware | 1999 |
| Marcus Intalex | Temperance | Soul:r | 2004 |
| Kryptic Minds | The Forgotten | Defcom Records | 2007 |
TableRex.quick_render!(rows, header)
|> IO.puts
| Artist | Track | Label | Year |
| Konflict | Cyanide | Renegade Hardware | 1999 |
| Marcus Intalex | Temperance | Soul:r | 2004 |
| Kryptic Minds | The Forgotten | Defcom Records | 2007 |
TableRex.quick_render!(rows, header, title)
|> IO.puts
| Drum & Bass Releases |
| Artist | Track | Label | Year |
| Konflict | Cyanide | Renegade Hardware | 1999 |
| Marcus Intalex | Temperance | Soul:r | 2004 |
| Kryptic Minds | The Forgotten | Defcom Records | 2007 |
###Utilising TableRex.Table for deeper customisation
These examples all use: `alias TableRex.Table` to shorten the namespace.
**Set alignment & padding for specific columns or column ranges:**
Table.new(rows, header)
|> Table.put_column_meta(0, align: :right, padding: 5) # `0` is the column index.
|> Table.put_column_meta(1..2, align: :center) # `1..2` is a range of column indexes. :all also works.
|> Table.render!
|> IO.puts
| Artist | Track | Label | Year |
| Konflict | Cyanide | Renegade Hardware | 1999 |
| Marcus Intalex | Temperance | Soul:r | 2004 |
| Kryptic Minds | The Forgotten | Defcom Records | 2007 |
**Change the table styling:**
Table.new(rows, header)
|> Table.put_column_meta(:all, align: :center)
|> Table.render!(header_separator_symbol: "=", horizontal_style: :all)
|> IO.puts
| Artist | Track | Label | Year |
| Konflict | Cyanide | Renegade Hardware | 1999 |
| Marcus Intalex | Temperance | Soul:r | 2004 |
| Kryptic Minds | The Forgotten | Defcom Records | 2007 |
*Available render options:*
* `horizontal_style`: one of `:off`, `:frame`, `:header` or `:all`.
* `vertical_style`: one of `:off`, `:frame` or `:all`.
* `horizontal_symbol`: draws horizontal row separators.
* `vertical_symbol`: draws vertical separators.
* `intersection_symbol`: draws the symbol where horizontal and vertical seperators intersect.
* `top_frame_symbol`: draws the frame's top horizontal separator.
* `title_separator_symbol`: draws the horizontal separator under the title.
* `header_separator_symbol`: draws to draw the horizontal separator under the header.
* `bottom_frame_symbol`: draws the frame's bottom horizontal separator.
**Set cell level meta (including for the header cells):**
Table.new(rows, header)
|> Table.put_header_meta(0..4, align: :center) # row index(es)
|> Table.put_cell_meta(2, 1, align: :right) # column index, row index.
|> Table.render!
|> IO.puts
| Artist | Track | Label | Year |
| Konflict | Cyanide | Renegade Hardware | 1999 |
| Marcus Intalex | Temperance | Soul:r | 2004 |
| Kryptic Minds | The Forgotten | Defcom Records | 2007 |
**Change/pass in your own renderer module:**
The default renderer is `TableRex.Renderer.Text`.
Custom renderer modules must be behaviours of `TableRex.Renderer`.
Table.new(rows, header)
|> Table.render!(renderer: YourCustom.Renderer.Module)
**Go mad:**
Table.new(rows, header)
|> Table.render!(horizontal_style: :all, top_frame_symbol: "*", header_separator_symbol: "=", horizontal_symbol: "~", vertical_symbol: "!")
|> IO.puts
! Artist ! Track ! Label ! Year !
! Konflict ! Cyanide ! Renegade Hardware ! 1999 !
! Marcus Intalex ! Temperance ! Soul:r ! 2004 !
! Kryptic Minds ! The Forgotten ! Defcom Records ! 2007 !
##Run the tests
We have an extensive test suite which helps showcase project usage. For example: the [quick render functions](https://github.com/djm/table_rex/blob/master/test/table_rex_test.exs),
[table manipulation API](https://github.com/djm/table_rex/blob/master/test/table_rex/table_test.exs) or [the text renderer module](https://github.com/djm/table_rex/blob/master/test/table_rex/renderer/text_test.exs).
To run the test suite, from the project directory, do:
mix test
We use the Github Issues tracker.
If you have found something wrong, please raise an issue.
If you'd like to contribute, check the issues to see where you can help.
Contributions are welcome from anyone at any time but if the piece of work is significant in size, please raise an issue first.
MIT. See the [full license](LICENSE).
* Ryanz720, for the [original T-Rex image](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Trex_Roar.jpg).
* Everyone in #elixir-lang on freenode, for answering the endless questions.