# Tabler Icons

[![Hex Docs](](

[Tabler Icons]( are free and open source icons. This package provides Elixir functions in order to use [Tabler Icons]( in your HTML, styled with arbitrary classes.

This package is strongly inspired by [heroicons_elixir](

> Note: As we are dealing with over 3.000 icons and an output file with more than 70.000 lines of code, the compile time may be longer than usual.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `tabler_icons` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:tabler_icons, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage

<TablerIcons.user />
<TablerIcons.icon name={:user} />

You may pass arbitrary HTML attributes to the components:

<TablerIcons.user class="w-2 h-2" />
<TablerIcons.icon name={:user} class="w-2 h-2" />

For additional information and list of all icons see [the docs](

## Naming

We are interested in keeping the same icon names for our functions TablerIcons provides to us. Nevertheless, Elixir do not allow function names to begin with a number. Therefore we had to add some exceptions:

- `2fa` -> `two_fa`
- `3d-cube-sphere-off` -> `three_d_cube_sphere_off`
- `3d-cube-sphere` -> `three_d_cube_sphere`
- `3d-rotate` -> `three_d_rotate`
- `24-hours` -> `twenty_four_hours`
- `123` -> `one_two_three`
- `360-view` -> `three_sixty_view`

A hyphen is replaced by an underscore automatically.

## Update TablerIcons version

You can find the current TablerIcons version in `lib/tabler_icons.ex`.

Updating the TablerIcons version is usually done by the maintainers of this package so you may ignore this.

1. Check whether there are icon names that begin with a number and add exception to `lib/mix/tasks/build.ex` (add icon name to readme).
2. Update TablerIcons version in `lib/mix/tasks/download.ex`.
3. Run `mix download` in order to download newest icons into `/assets`.
4. Run `mix build` in order to build new `lib/tabler_icons.ex` file based on the icons.
5. Update version in `mix.exs`.
6. Update repository with the corresponding changes.
7. Release new version of the package.