# Tablerone

Renders [Tabler Icons]( by downloading individual icons to the priv directory of the parent
application during development, and loading them from files at runtime.

This library is tested against the latest 3 versions of Elixir.

## Installation

def deps do
    {:tablerone, "~> 1.0"}

## Usage

In `config.exs`, configure tablerone with the `:otp_app` of the parent application, so that icons can be
loaded from the proper priv directory at run time.

import Config

config :tablerone, :otp_app, <:my_app>

Run the mix task to download one or more icons.

mix --type <filled | outline> <icon-name> <icon-name-2> ...

An example heex component for rendering the icon.

attr :name, :atom, required: true
attr :type, :atom, required: true, values: [:filled, :outline]
attr :class, :list, default: []

defp icon(assigns) do
  name = assigns[:name]
  type = assigns[:type]

  icon_contents = Tablerone.icon(name, type)

  assigns =
    assign_new(assigns, :icon_contents, fn ->
      class = [class: assigns[:class]] |> Phoenix.HTML.attributes_escape() |> Phoenix.HTML.safe_to_string()
      String.replace(icon_contents, ~r{class="[^"]+"}, class)

  <%= Phoenix.HTML.raw(@icon_contents) %>