# Tagged

Handle tagged value tuples, such as `{:ok, value}` and `{:error, reason}`, in
various ways, by constructing macros for the regular matching constructs.

### Construct and Destructure

defmodule Tagged.Status
  use Tagged

  deftagged ok
  deftagged error

iex> use Tagged.Status
iex> ok(:computer)
{:ok, :computer}
iex> with error(reason) <- {:ok, :computer}, do: raise reason
{:ok, :computer}

### Type definitions

_iex> use Tagged.Status
_iex> t Tagged.Status.error
@type error() :: {:error, term()}

Tagged value tuple, containing term().

### Pipe selective execution
iex> use Tagged.Status
iex> ok(:computer) |> with_ok(& "OK, #{&1}")
"OK, computer"

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `tagged` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:tagged, "~> 0.2.0"}

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