# TailwindFormatter
[Online Documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/tailwind_formatter).
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Enforce a `class` attribute order within markup using [TailwindCSS](tailwindcss.com).
this is a `mix format` [plugin](https://hexdocs.pm/mix/main/Mix.Tasks.Format.html#module-plugins).
> Note: The Tailwind Formatter requires Elixir v1.13.4 or later
## Installation
Add `tailwind_formatter` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:tailwind_formatter, "~> 0.1.0"}
# alternatively, keep track with the latest release:
{:tailwind_formatter, github: "100phlecs/tailwind_formatter"}
## Setup
Add it as a plugin to your project's `.formatter.exs`.
Make sure to put in the `heex` extension to the possible inputs.
plugins: [TailwindFormatter],
inputs: [
Then run `mix deps.get` and also `mix compile` to load in the plugin.
After that, run the formatter with `mix format`.
If using different formatters on the template, it is suggested
to list `TailwindFormatter` as the first extension.
## Formatting
The formatter aims to follow a bundle of rules outlined in the [blog post](https://tailwindcss.com/blog/automatic-class-sorting-with-prettier)
that introduces the official Tailwind sorter plugin.
- Order them the same way classes are imported in the CSS file. Base, Components, Utilities.
- Classes that override other classes appear later in the list
- Classes that impact layout take precedence over classes that decorate
- Plain classes come first before variants (i.e. `focus:`)
- Unknown classes are sorted to the front
As a bonus, this plugin supports the [Phoenix variants](https://fly.io/phoenix-files/phoenix-liveview-tailwind-variants/)
that ship with new applications.
As this is quite new, there may be some new Tailwind classes missing.
## Credits
This project builds heavily off of [rustywind](https://github.com/avencera/rustywind)
and [HTMLFormatter](https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_live_view/Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLFormatter.html).