# TailwindFormatter
[Online Documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/tailwind_formatter).
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Opinionated sorting for [TailwindCSS](https://tailwindcss.com)
classes used in HEEx templates and `~H` sigils.
`TailwindFormatter` is a `mix format` [plugin](https://hexdocs.pm/mix/main/Mix.Tasks.Format.html#module-plugins)
that sorts TailwindCSS classes found in your templates. It takes
inspiration from Tailwind's official [Prettier plugin](https://tailwindcss.com/blog/automatic-class-sorting-with-prettier).
> Note: This formatter requires Elixir v1.13.4 or later.
## Installation
Add `tailwind_formatter` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:tailwind_formatter, "~> 0.3.1", only: :dev, runtime: false}
## Setup
`TailwindFormatter` is most likely to be used alongside `Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLFormatter`,
so it should be installed in a way that allows the HTML formatter to
run first, followed by the Tailwind formatter. How this is done
depends on your version of Elixir.
### Setup for Elixir v1.15.0-dev
Elixir v1.15 [will support](https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/pull/12032)
applying multiple plugins to the same file extension type, so the
plugin can be added after the HTML formatter in your `.formatter.exs`:
plugins: [Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLFormatter, TailwindFormatter],
inputs: [
# ...
### Setup for Elixir v1.13.4 and v1.14
Current stable versions of Elixir do not support applying multiple
formatter plugins to the same extension type. To overcome this, a
`MultiFormatter` is provided that is equivalent to running the
`Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLFormatter` first, followed by
plugins: [TailwindFormatter.MultiFormatter],
inputs: [
# ...
If you only want Tailwind class organization and not HTML formatting,
you can simply specify only the `TailwindFormatter`:
plugins: [TailwindFormatter],
inputs: [
# ...
## Usage
After installation and setup, run `mix format`. If you already had
automatic formatting set up (for instance, if your editor is configured
to format your code on save), no changes should be required! Your
Tailwind classes should be happily organized going forward!
If some files are not being formatted as expected, double-check the
`:inputs` option in your `.formatter.exs` to ensure they are being
## Formatting
The formatter aims to follow a bundle of rules outlined in the [blog post](https://tailwindcss.com/blog/automatic-class-sorting-with-prettier)
that introduced the official Tailwind Prettier plugin.
- Order classes the same way they are imported in the CSS file: Base, Components, Utilities
- Classes that override other classes appear later in the list
- Classes that impact layout take precedence over classes that decorate
- Plain classes come first before variants (i.e. `focus:`)
- Unknown classes are sorted to the front
## How it diverges from the original formatter
There are some differences in order to simplify the algorithm and to support Elixir use cases.
### Inline elixir functions are sorted toward the front
With elixir templating one may add an `#{inline_elixir_function}` to the class list.
The formatter supports this and sorts these toward the front.
### Variants are always grouped, even if the class is unknown
i.e. `sm:unknown-class` will still be grouped with the other `sm:` variants, even if Tailwind doesn't recognize the class.
### Variant order is enforced
In the original spec, 'variants' i.e. `sm:hover:` are sorted as though it is one block.
Thus, the order in which they're specified does not matter.
So, for example, a chain of `dark:sm:hover:text-gray-600` would be placed toward the end.
In this algorithm, classes are sorted by "layers".
All `sm:` variants are grouped together, even if it's a chain of 4 variants.
So for example, `dark:sm:hover:text-gray-600` will be placed before any `sm:` and `hover:` variants, because `dark:` has precedence over `sm:` and `hover:`.
Thus in order to achieve more consistency, the variant chain is ordered.
So, `dark:sm:hover:text-gray-600` transforms to `sm:dark:hover:text-gray-600`.
## Custom classes
As a bonus this plugin supports the [Phoenix variants](https://fly.io/phoenix-files/phoenix-liveview-tailwind-variants/)
that ship with new applications.
Otherwise custom classes are not supported at this time. It may be supported in the future.
As this is quite new there may be some Tailwind classes missing.
## Credits
This project builds heavily off of [rustywind](https://github.com/avencera/rustywind)
and [HTMLFormatter](https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_live_view/Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLFormatter.html).