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Elixir wrapper for GitLab. You'll need your private token found under <Gitlab Instance URL>profile/account or an OAuth token (requesting this token is not supported through this library).

## How to use
This library depends on `HTTPoison`, thus at some point during previous to make some calls the your choosen GitLab endpoint, you should have started `HTTPoison`.

# first you'll need your private token and create a %Tanuki.Client
iex> client ="PrivateToken", "https://customendpoint.tld/api/v3/")
%Tanuki.Client%{private_token: "PrivateToken", endpoint: "https://customendpoint.tld/api/v3/"}

iex> Tanuki.Users.Emails.create(client, %{email: "your@email.tld"})
# Response struct

Please browse through the test folder to see more examples.

## Docs
All the API's have extensive documentation found on [HexDoc]([ and offcourse; [GitLab API docs](

## Contributions
If there is any issue, please report it. Mention what version your GitLab endpoint is running.

Some endpoints are still missing, if you really mis those, please contribute!