# Tapper Absinthe Integration

Works in concert with [`Tapper.Plug.Trace`](
to propagate the Tapper Id into the Absinthe context.

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## Synopsis

Using this plug, you can access the Tapper Id via a resolver's `info` (`%Absinthe.Resolution{}`)
parameter, using `Tapper.Plug.Absinthe.get/1`.

In your router:
plug Tapper.Plug.Trace # pick up the trace
plug Tapper.Plug.Absinthe # copy the id into the Absinthe context

In your resolver:
def resolve(args, info) do
  # pick up from id info.context
  tapper_id = Tapper.Plug.Absinthe.get(info)

  tapper_id = Tapper.start_span(id, name: "my-resolver") # etc.
### See also

* [Absinthe Guide - Context and Authentication](
* [`Tapper.Plug`](

The API documentation can be found at [](

## Helpers

Since you'll probably want to wrap a span around every resolver call, we provide `Tapper.Absinthe.Helper.in_span/2`,
which wraps a new child span around a function call.

Using this in your Absinthe schema or type definition looks something like:

import Tapper.Absinthe.Helper, only: [in_span: 2]

query do

  @desc "Get a Thing by UUID"
  field :thing, type: :thing do
    @desc "A Thing UUID"
    arg :id, non_null(:id)
    resolve fn(%{id: thing_id}, info) ->

      in_span(info, fn(tapper_id) ->
        # call real resolver function, passing %Tapper.Id{} etc.
        MyApp.ThingResolver.thing(thing_id, tapper_id)


When the resolver is called, `in_span/2` will start a child span,
using the `Tapper.Id` from the Absinthe context, and apply the function, passing the child span id, so you can add annotations and pass to other functions, and returning the result. It will take care of finishing the child span, even in exception situations.

The name of the child span will be the schema node name, in this case `thing`.

## Installation

For the latest pre-release (and unstable) code, add github repo to your mix dependencies:

def deps do
  [{:tapper_absinthe_plug, git: ""}]

For release versions, the package can be installed by adding `tapper_absinthe_plug` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:tapper_absinthe_plug, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Ensure that the `:tapper` application is present in your mix project's applications:

  # Configuration for the OTP application.
  # Type `mix help` for more information.
  def application do
      mod: {MyApp, []},
      applications: [:tapper]