# Tarearbol [](https://kantox.com/)  
**Lightweight task manager, allowing retries, callbacks, assurance that the task succeeded, and more…**
## Installation
def deps do
{:tarearbol, "~> 1.12"}
## Features
### Task supervision tree for granted
Add `:tarearbol` to the list of applications and you are all set.
### Infinite retries
Tarearbol.ensure fn ->
unless Enum.random(1..100) == 42, do: raise "Incorrect answer"
{:ok, 42}
# some bad-case logging
{:ok, 42}
### Async execution of many tasks with retries
res = 1..20
|> Enum.map(fn i ->
fn -> Process.sleep(Enum.random(1..i)); i end
|> Tarearbol.Job.ensure_all(attempts: 1)
[{:ok, 1}, {:ok, 2}, ..., {:ok, 20}]
### Limited amount of retries
Tarearbol.ensure fn ->
raise "Incorrect answer"
end, attempts: 10
# some bad-case logging
%{job: #Function<20.87737649/0 in :erl_eval.expr/5>,
outcome: {%RuntimeError{message: "Incorrect answer"},
[{:erl_eval, :do_apply, 6, [file: 'erl_eval.erl', line: 668]},
{Task.Supervised, :do_apply, 2,
[file: 'lib/task/supervised.ex', line: 85]},
{Task.Supervised, :reply, 5, [file: 'lib/task/supervised.ex', line: 36]},
{:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: 'proc_lib.erl', line: 247]}]}}}
### Delay between retries
Tarearbol.ensure fn ->
unless Enum.random(1..100) == 42, do: raise "Incorrect answer"
{:ok, 42}
end, delay: 1000
# some slow bad-case logging
{:ok, 42}
### Callbacks
Tarearbol.ensure fn ->
unless Enum.random(1..100) == 42, do: raise "Incorrect answer"
{:ok, 42}
end, on_success: fn data -> IO.inspect(data, label: "★") end,
on_retry: fn data -> IO.inspect(data, label: "☆") end
# some slow bad-case logging
# ⇓⇓⇓⇓ one or more of ⇓⇓⇓⇓
☆: %{cause: :on_raise,
data: {%RuntimeError{message: "Incorrect answer"},
[{:erl_eval, :do_apply, 6, [file: 'erl_eval.erl', line: 670]},
{:erl_eval, :exprs, 5, [file: 'erl_eval.erl', line: 122]},
{Task.Supervised, :do_apply, 2, [file: 'lib/task/supervised.ex', line: 85]},
{Task.Supervised, :reply, 5, [file: 'lib/task/supervised.ex', line: 36]},
{:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: 'proc_lib.erl', line: 247]}]}}
# ⇑⇑⇑⇑ one or more of ⇑⇑⇑⇑
★: 42
{:ok, 42}
### Allowed options
- `attempts` integer, an amount of attempts before giving up, `0` for forever; default: `:infinity`
- `delay` the delay between attempts, default: `:none`;
- `raise`: when `true`, will raise after all attempts were unsuccessful, or return `{:error, outcome}` tuple otherwise, default: `false`;
- `accept_not_ok`: when `true`, any result save for `{:error, _}` will be accepted as correct, otherwise only `{:ok, _}` is treated as correct, default: `true`;
- `on_success`: callback when the task returned a result, default: `nil`;
- `on_retry`: callback when the task failed and scheduled for retry, default: `:debug`;
- `on_fail`: callback when the task completely failed, default: `:warn`.
for `:attempts` and `:delay` keys one might specify the following values:
- `integer` → amount to be used as is (milliseconds for `delay`, number for attempts);
- `float` → amount of thousands, rounded (seconds for `delay`, thousands for attempts);
- `:none` → `0`;
- `:tiny` → `10`;
- `:medium` → `100`;
- `:infinity` → `-1`, `:attempts` only.
### Task spawning
Tarearbol.run_in fn -> IO.puts(42) end, 1_000 # 1 sec
Tarearbol.spawn fn -> IO.puts(42) end # immediately
### Task draining
Tarearbol.run_in fn -> IO.inspect(42) end, 1_000 # 1 sec
Tarearbol.run_in fn -> IO.inspect(:foo) end, 1_000 # 1 sec
42 # immediately, from `IO.inspect`
:foo # immediately, from `IO.inspect`
[ok: 42, ok: :foo] # immediately, the returned value(s)
### [Dynamic Workers Management](https://hexdocs.pm/tarearbol/dynamic_workers_management.html)
### Changelog
- **`1.12.0`** decoupled from `:formulae` dependency, removed `Crontab`
- **`1.11.2`** `defaults: [instant_perform?: integer()]` to run `perform/2` in given number of msecs after start
- **`1.11.0`** `defaults: [instant_perform?: true]` to instantly run `perform/2` upon start
- **`1.10.3`** OTP27 ready + offloading state in cluster when node goes down
- **`1.10.1`** OTP26 ready
- **`1.10.0`** single global state process in cluster + `put_new/3` to avoid flip-flopping children in cluster
- **`1.8.0`** finally standardized and deprecated multi in favor of normal `put/3`/`get/2`/`del/3`
- **`1.7.0`** less aggressive `Map.update!/3` + modern era update
- **`1.6.0`** `HashRing` default for `synch`/`asynch` calls in `Tarearbol.DynamicWorker` selection (to preserve idempotency amongst calls)
- **`1.5.0`** defaults for `payload`, `timeout` and `lull` accepted in `use DynamicManager` options as `defaults: …`
- **`1.4.4`** `DynamicManager` accepts `{:payload, payload}` message to update a payload
- **`1.4.3`** accept function heads with `defsynch/1` and `defasynch/1`
- **`1.4.1`** random pool worker by default, pass `:stream`, or override `__free_worker__` if needed
- **`1.4.0`**
- **`Tarearbol.Pool`** to easily create worker pools on top of `Tarearbol.DynamicManager`
- **`cast/2`, `call/3`, `terminate/2`** callbacks for workers to initiale message passing from outside
- **`init:`** argument in call to `use Tarearbol.DynamicManager` to allow custom payload initialization (routed to `handle_continue/2` of underlying process)
- **`1.3.0`** standardized types, better docs;
- **`1.2.1`** `cast/2` and standard replies from worker (:halt | :replace | :ok | any()};
- **`1.2.0`** `call/3` and `terminate/2` callbacks in `DynamicManager`, `0` timeout for `perform/2`;
- **`1.1.2`** transparent support for `Ecto` retries;
- **`1.0.0`** deprecated local functions in `run_in`/`run_at` in favor of `Tarearbol.Scheduler`;
- **`0.6.0`** code format, explicit `Task.shutdown`;
- **`0.5.0`** using `DETS` to store `run_at` jobs;
- **`0.4.2`** `Tarearbol.spawn_ensured/2`;
- **`0.4.1`** `run_at` now repeats itself properly;
- **`0.4.0`** allow `run_at` recurrent tasks.
### [Documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/tarearbol)