# TB6612FNG

Drive for the TB6612FNG Motor Driver module, available from [Sparkfun]( and other sources.

Refer to the [Data Sheet]( for more detail.

## Installation

Add  `tb6612fng` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:tb6612fng, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage

Add one or more `TB6612FNG` supervisors to your supervision tree.  Each instance of `TB6612FNG` can be configured to handle two motors.

{TB6612FNG, [
        standby_pin: 21,
        motor_a: [
          pwm_pin: 12,
          in01_pin: 20,
          in02_pin: 16,
          name: :motor_a
        motor_b: [
          pwm_pin: 13,
          in01_pin: 5,
          in02_pin: 6,
          name: :motor_b
       name: :my_tb6612fng_module # defaults to __MODULE__

Then control the motors as necessary from TB6612FNG.Module

TB6612FNG.Module.set_output(:motor_a, :cw, 100_000)