# Teacup NATS
A [Teacup](https://github.com/yuce/teacup.git) based Erlang client library for [NATS](http://nats.io/)
high performance messaging platform.
* **2016-04-16**: Version 0.3.7:
* Re-licenced the project under [Apache 2.0 License](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* This version fixes performance problems introduced in version 0.3.3.
* **2016-04-07**: Version 0.3.4:
* Rudimentary TLS/SSL support. Currently, this is auto-activated when the server
sends `tls_required => true` in an `INFO` message.
* **2016-04-03**: Version 0.3.3:
* Using [teacup 0.3.3](https://github.com/yuce/teacup/tree/0.3.3),
which boosts the performance by 50%.
* Implemented connect retry / reconnect strategy.
* Implemented message buffering.
* Sub and Unsub messages are queued.
* **2016-03-27**: You can check how the performance of **teacup_nats** compares to other NATS clients
* **2016-03-19**: Initial release.
## Getting Started
**teacup_nats** requires Erlang/OTP 18.0+. It uses [rebar3](http://www.rebar3.org/)
as the build tool and is available on [hex.pm](https://hex.pm/). Just include the following
in your `rebar.config`:
{deps, [teacup_nats]}.
**teacup_nats** depends on the `teacup` app to be started. Include it in your `.app.src` file:
Or, start it manually:
ok = application:start(teacup).
**rebar3** has a nice way of starting apps in the shell, you can try:
$ rebar3 shell --apps teacup
* Clustering
## API
### Aysnchronous Connection
When using asycnhronous connections, you need to wait for a `{Conn, ready}`
message before publishing messages, subcribing to/unsubscribing from subjects.
* Connection functions:
* `tcnats:connect()`: Connect to the NATS server at address ``, port `4222`,
* `tcnats:connect(Host :: binary(), Port :: integer())`: Connect to the NATS server
at `Host` and port `PORT`,
* `tcnats:connect(Host :: binary(), Port :: integer(), Opts :: map())`: Similar to
above, but also takes an `Opts` map. Currently usable keys:
* `verbose => true | false`: If `verbose == true`, NATS server
sends an acknowledgement message on `pub`, `sub`, `unsub` operations and
`connect` operation becomes synchronous.
* `user => User :: binary()`,
* `pass => Password :: binary()`,
* `buffer_size => MessageBufferSize :: non_neg_integer()`: The number of publish messages
to buffer before quitting. The default is 0. Setting `MesssageBufferSize` to
`infinity` enables unlimited buffering.
* `reconnect => {Interval :: non_neg_integer(), MaxRetry :: non_neg_integer()}`: Specifies
reconnect strategy. `Interval` is the time in milliseconds between retrials, and `MaxRetry` is
the number of retrials before quitting. You can set `MaxRetry` to `infinity` to try reconnecting
forever. The default is `{undefined, 0}`, "don't try to reconnect".
* Publish functions:
* `tcnats:pub(Conn :: teacup_ref(), Subject :: binary())`: Publish message with only
the subject,
* `tcnats:pub(Conn :: teacup_ref(), Subject :: binary()), Opts :: map()`: Publish message
the subject with `Options`. Valid options:
* `payload => Payload :: binary()`,
* `reply_to => Subject :: binary()`
* Subscribe functions:
* `tcnats:sub(Conn :: teacup_ref(), Subject :: binary())`: Subscribe to the `Subject`,
* `tcnats:sub(Conn :: teacup_ref(), Subject :: binary(), Opts :: map())`: Subscribe to the `Subject`, with
`Options`. Valid options:
* `queue_group => QGroup :: binary()`
* Unsubscribe functions:
* `tcnats:unsub(Conn :: teacup_ref(), Subject :: binary())`: Unsubscribe from `Subject`,
* `tcnats:unsub(Conn :: teacup_ref(), Subject :: binary(), Opts :: map())`: Unsubscribe from `Subject`, with
`Options`. Valid options:
* `max_messages => MaxMessages :: integer()`: Automatically unsubscribe after receiving `MaxMessages`.
#### Sample
main() ->
% Connect to the NATS server
{ok, Conn} = tcnats:connect(<<"demo.nats.io">>, 4222, #{buffer_size => 10}),
% We set the buffer_size, so messages will be collected on the client side
% until the connection is OK to use
% Publish some message
tcnats:pub(Conn, <<"teacup.control">>, #{payload => <<"start">>}),
% subscribe to some subject
tcnats:sub(Conn, <<"foo.*">>),
loop(Conn) ->
{Conn, {msg, Subject, _ReplyTo, Payload}} ->
% Do something with the received message
io:format("~p: ~p~n", [Subject, Payload]),
% Wait for/retrieve the next message
### Synchronous Connection
In order to activate the synchronous mode, just pass `#{verbose => true` to `tcnats:connect`.
Connect, publish, subscribe and unsubscribe operations block and return either `ok` on
success or `{error, Reason :: term()}` on failure.
#### Sample
main() ->
% Connect to the NATS server
{ok, Conn} = tcnats:connect(<<"demo.nats.io">>, 4222, #{verbose => true}),
% The connection is OK to use
% Publish some message
ok = tcnats:pub(Conn, <<"teacup.control">>, #{payload => <<"start">>}),
% subscribe to some subject
ok = tcnats:sub(Conn, <<"foo.*">>),
loop(Conn) ->
{Conn, {msg, Subject, _ReplyTo, Payload}} ->
% Do something with the received message
io:format("~p: ~p~n", [Subject, Payload]),
## License
Copyright 2016 Yuce Tekol <yucetekol@gmail.com>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.