# Tehama Wireless API Elixir Client

`tehama_client_ex` is an elixir client library for interacting with the [Tehama Wireless]( API.

You can view the API documentation [here](./docs/API%20for%20Daily%20Report%20Data%202022.pdf).

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## Documentation

[HEX docs]( for this repository.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `tehama_client_ex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:tehama_client_ex, "~> 0.2.0"}

## Usage

### Authenticate

Basic usage is to authenticate to get a token...

# on success auth will be %TehamaClient.Auth{token: "usertoken...."}
auth = TehamaClient.auth!("username", "password")

### Sites

Then you can get a list of **[Site](./lib/tehama_client/objects/site.ex)** objects...

# on success sites will be a list of %TehamaClient.Site{}
sites = TehamaClient.site_list(auth)

### Devices

And finally using a site, you can get a list of **[Device](./lib/tehama_client/objects/device.ex)** objects...

# on success sites will be a list of %TehamaClient.Device{}
readings = TehamaClient.report_data(auth, List.first(sites))

### Readings

Using a device you can get a list of device **[Reading](./lib/tehama_client/objects/reading.ex)** objects...

# readings will be a list of %TehamaClient.Reading{}
%TehamaClient.Device{readings: readings} = List.first(readings)

## Examples

This repository comes with some examples. The examples require some environment variables to be set.

To run an example, go to the repository and run these command line commands:

- [Site List](./examples/site_list.ex): `mix run examples/site_list.ex` - This will authenticate and print a list of sites.
- [Basic Data](./examples/data.ex): `mix run examples/data.ex` - This will authenticate and print data for a given site.

## Change Log

### Version 0.2.0

- Adds `TehamaClient.units/2` method.
- Adds `%TehamaClient.Unit{}` and `%TehamaClient.Meter{}` types