# Telegex

The new Telegram Bot API client features a unique and perfect implementation approach!

_😋 Three years ago I created this project, and three years later I redesigned it._

## Introduce

This library defines standardized APIs through code generation techniques using magical macro codes. These macros generate implementations from the data sourced from official documentation pages, which I parse into structured JSON data as macro inputs.

As a result, this library strictly adheres to the documentation standards. Due to its reliance on documentation data and code generation, adapting to new API versions is extremely easy. This ensures that it can effortlessly provide all the latest types and APIs while maintaining absolute correctness.

## Installation

Add Telegex to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
    {:telegex, "== 1.0.0-rc.0"},

> Note: APIs that include `InputFile` in RC.0 do not support local file paths. Please use the file ID instead. This is temporary, and local file input will be supported upon the release of version 1.0.

## Configuration

Add bot token to the secret configuration file, like this:

config :telegex, token: "<BOT_TOKEN>"

Specify the adapter for the HTTP client in the public configuration file:

config :telegex, Telegex.Caller, adapter: Telegex.Caller.ReqAdapter

Pass options to the adapter, such as timeout:

config :telegex, Telegex.Caller, adapter: Telegex.Caller.ReqAdapter,
  options: [connect_options: [timeout: 5 * 1000]]

You can also choose `HTTPoison` as the client. If using HTTPoison, set the corresponding adapter and timeout:


config :telegex, Telegex.Caller, adapter: Telegex.Caller.HTTPoisonAdapter,
  options: [recv_timeout: 5 * 1000]

As you may have noticed, there are no standardized values for the `options` parameter here, as they directly relate to the HTTP client being used. The example above passes the raw options for the client library.

**Note: You need to manually add adapter-related libraries to the `deps`:**

- [`req`]( `ReqAdapter`
- [`httpoison`]( `HTTPoisonAdapter`

Don't have a client library you use? Tell me in issues!

## Usage

All Bot APIs are located under the `Telegex` module, and these APIs fully comply with the required and optional parameters in the documentation, returning specific types (struct rather than map).

### getMe

iex> Telegex.get_me
   supports_inline_queries: false,
   can_read_all_group_messages: false,
   can_join_groups: true,
   added_to_attachment_menu: nil,
   is_premium: nil,
   language_code: nil,
   username: "telegex_dev_bot",
   last_name: nil,
   first_name: "Telegex Dev",
   is_bot: true,
   id: 6258629308

### getUpdates

iex> Telegex.get_updates limit: 50
     chat_join_request: nil,
     chat_member: nil,
     my_chat_member: nil,
     poll_answer: nil,
     poll: nil,
     pre_checkout_query: nil,
     shipping_query: nil,
     callback_query: nil,
     chosen_inline_result: nil,
     inline_query: nil,
     edited_channel_post: nil,
     channel_post: nil,
     edited_message: nil,
     message: %Telegex.Type.Message{
       reply_markup: nil,
       web_app_data: nil,
       # omitted part...
       new_chat_photo: nil,
       new_chat_title: nil,
       text: "Hello",
       # omitted part...
     update_id: 929396006

### sendMessage

iex> Telegex.send_message -1001486769003, "Hello!"
   venue: nil,
   chat: %Telegex.Type.Chat{
     # omitted part...
     title: "Dev test",
     type: "supergroup",
     id: -1001486769003
   date: 1686111102,
   message_id: 12777,
   text: "Hello!",
   from: %Telegex.Type.User{
     supports_inline_queries: nil,
     can_read_all_group_messages: nil,
     can_join_groups: nil,
     added_to_attachment_menu: nil,
     is_premium: nil,
     language_code: nil,
     username: "telegex_dev_bot",
     last_name: nil,
     first_name: "Telegex Dev",
     is_bot: true,
     id: 6258629308
  # omitted part...