# Telegraf

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Telegraf client.

[![ Version](](
[![Coverage Status](](

[Checkout the documentation]( for more information.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `telegraf` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:telegraf, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage

1. Add `Telegraf` to your supervision tree:

{Telegraf, name: MyTelegraf}

2. Send the metric:

metric = %Telegraf.Metric{
  name: "weather",
  tag_set: %{location: "us-midwest"},
  field_set: %{temperature: 82},
  timestamp: System.os_time()

Telegraf.send(MyTelegraf, metric)

## Changelog

See the [changelog](

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## Contributing

See the [contributing file](

## License

Copyright 2021 (c) Finbits.

telegraf-elixir source code is released under Apache 2 License.

Check [LICENSE]( file for more information.