# Telegramex

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Telegram's Bot API wrapper.

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## Features

- Support for multiple bots
- Configurable HTTP client
- No application configuration

## Usage

1. Add the dependencies

def deps do
    {:finch, "~> 0.5"},
    {:telegramex, "~> 0.1.1"}
2. Add the [finch]( client to your supervision tree

children = [
  {Finch, name: Telegramex.HTTPClient}

**Note**: Checkout the `Telegramex.Client` on how to use other HTTP client.

3. Make a request

client = %Telegramex.Client{token: "123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11"}

Full documentation can be found at [](

## Telemetry

Telegramex executes the following events:

  * `[:telegramex, :call, :start]` - Executed before calling the Telegram Bot API.

    #### Measurements
    * `:system_time` - The system time

    #### Metadata:
    * `:method` - The Telegram Bot API method call
    * `:body` - The body of the API call

  * `[:telegramex, :call, :stop]` - Executed after a API call.

    #### Measurements
    * `:duration` - Duration of the API call.

    #### Metadata
    * `:method` - The Telegram Bot API method call
    * `:body` - The body of the API call
    * `:response` - (optional) In case of success (status 200), the response of the api as returned by the HTTP client.
    * `:error` - (optional) In case of a error, returns the error.

  * `[:telegramex, :call, :exception]` - Executed if the API call raises an exception.

    #### Measurements
    * `:duration` - The time it took before raising an exception

    #### Metadata
    * `:method` - The Telegram Bot API method call
    * `:body` - The body of the API call
    * `:kind` - The type of exception.
    * `:error` - Error description or error data.
    * `:stacktrace` - The stacktrace

## Changelog

See the [changelog](

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## Contributing

See the [contributing file](

## License

[Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE) © [Thiago Santos](