# Telegraph
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Modern Telegram Bot API framework based on Nadia project ([document](https://hexdocs.pm/telegraph/))
## Installation
Add `:telegraph` to your `mix.exs` dependencies:
def deps do
{:telegraph, "~> 0.7.0"}
And run `$ mix deps.get`.
## Configuration
In `config/config.exs`, add your Telegram Bot token like [this](config/config.exs.example)
config :telegraph,
token: "bot token"
You can also add an optional `recv_timeout` in seconds (defaults to 5s):
config :telegraph,
recv_timeout: 10
You can also add a proxy support:
config :telegraph,
proxy: "http://proxy_host:proxy_port", # or {:socks5, 'proxy_host', proxy_port}
proxy_auth: {"user", "password"},
ssl: [versions: [:'tlsv1.2']]
You can also configure the the base url for the api if you need to for some
config :telegraph,
# Telegram API. Default: https://api.telegram.org/bot
base_url: "http://my-own-endpoint.com/whatever/",
# Telegram Graph API. Default: https://api.telegra.ph
graph_base_url: "http://my-own-endpoint.com/whatever/"
Environment variables may be used as well:
config :telegraph,
token: {:system, "ENVVAR_WITH_MYAPP_TOKEN", "default_value_if_needed"}
## Usage
### `get_me`
iex> Telegraph.get_me
%Telegraph.Model.User{first_name: "Telegraph", id: 666, last_name: nil,
username: "telegraph_bot"}}
### `get_updates`
iex> Telegraph.get_updates limit: 5
{:ok, []}
iex> {:ok,
[%Telegraph.Model.Update{callback_query: nil, chosen_inline_result: nil,
edited_message: nil, inline_query: nil,
message: %Telegraph.Model.Message{audio: nil, caption: nil,
channel_chat_created: nil,
chat: %Telegraph.Model.Chat{first_name: "Telegraph", id: 123,
last_name: "TheBot", title: nil, type: "private", username: "telegraph_the_bot"},
contact: nil, date: 1471208260, delete_chat_photo: nil, document: nil,
edit_date: nil, entities: nil, forward_date: nil, forward_from: nil,
forward_from_chat: nil,
from: %Telegraph.Model.User{first_name: "Telegraph", id: 123,
last_name: "TheBot", username: "telegraph_the_bot"}, group_chat_created: nil,
left_chat_member: nil, location: nil, message_id: 543,
migrate_from_chat_id: nil, migrate_to_chat_id: nil, new_chat_member: nil,
new_chat_photo: [], new_chat_title: nil, photo: [], pinned_message: nil,
reply_to_message: nil, sticker: nil, supergroup_chat_created: nil,
text: "rew", venue: nil, video: nil, voice: nil}, update_id: 98765}]}
### `send_message`
iex> case Telegraph.send_message(tlg_id, "The message text goes here") do
{:ok, _result} ->
{:error, %Telegraph.Model.Error{reason: "Please wait a little"}} ->
Refer to [Telegraph document](https://hexdocs.pm/telegraph/) and [Telegram Bot API document](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api) for more details.
## Copyright and License
Copyright (c) 2022 Evgenii Troinov
Copyright (c) 2015 Yu Zhang
This library licensed under the [MIT license](./LICENSE.md).