# Telemetría [](https://kantox.com/)  
**The helper application that simplifies and standardizes telemetry usage.**
## Installation
def project do
compilers: [:telemetria | Mix.compilers()]
def deps do
{:telemetria, "~> 0.1"}
## Changelog
- **`0.22.0`** —
- [FIX] bug fix for `finitomata` integration
- **`0.21.0`** —
- [UPD] support for external messengers (slack)
- **`0.20.0`** —
- [UPD] support for nested spans
- **`0.19.1`** —
- [UPD] `reshape/1` everywhere to make a result transformable
- **`0.19.0`** —
- [UPD] `OpenTelemetry` support through backend abstraction
- **`0.18.0`** —
- [UPD] `locals: [:foo, :bar]` to export local vars from functions
- **`0.17.0`** —
- [UPD] Configurable throttling groups
- **`0.16.0`** —
- [UPD] Elixir v1.17
- **`0.15.0`** —
- [UPD] Elixir v1.16
- **`0.14.2`** —
- [ENH] `process_info: boolean()` option to embed the process info into each telemtry event
- **`0.14.1`** —
- [ENH] Propagate `custom_options: [from: :telemetria]` down to inspect
- **`0.14.0`** —
- [ENH] Allow `if: runtime_function` in `@telemetria` attribute in the form `&Mod.fun/1`,
which will receive the result _and_ emit the telemetry event if it returns `true`
- **`0.13.0`** —
- [ENH] Allow `if: compile_time_boolean` in `@telemetria` attribute
- **`0.12.0`** —
- [ENH] Allow `[transform: [args: M.f/1, result: {M, :f}]]` coercers in `@telemetria` attribute
- **`0.11.1`** —
- [ENH] diagnostics improved
- **`0.11.0`** —
- [FIX] properly handle `@telemetria` attribute on function heads and multiple clauses
- [ENH] purge level for telemetria hooks
- [ENH] level for telemetria logs
- **`0.9.1`** —
- [ENH] `@telemetria process_info: true` keyword parameter
- [ENH] `@id` is set to the correct `otp_app`
- [ENH] `MFA` is set properly for alerts
- [ENH] arguments and result are grouped under `:call`
- [ENH] total metadata cleanup
- **`0.9.0`** —
- [ENH] add `Telemetria.Formatter` that can be used to produce JSON logs basing on metadata, natively integrated into `telemetría`
- **`0.8.0`** —
- [ENH] add `applications` option accepting a keyword list of applications to enable `telemetria` for (with optional parameters)
- **`0.7.0`** —
- [ENH] add named arguments in all calls to event’s context
- **`0.6.1`** —
- [BUG] wrong order using telemetry with many clauses
- **`0.6.0`** —
- [ENH] accept parameters in annotation `@telemetria`
- [MIN] better print of events added
- **`0.5.2`** —
- [ENH] `enabled: false` config to purge all telemetria code at once
- **`0.5.1`** —
- [ENH] add result of underlying call to metric
- [ENH] decrease an amount of garbage returned from caller context
- **`0.5.0`** —
- [ENH] annotation `@telemetria true` as a synonym to `deft/2`
- [FIX] polling is off by default
- **`0.4.0`** —
- [ENH] default polling of system / vm states for free
- [ENH] starting in phases ensuring proper instrumenter setup
- **`0.3.0`** —
- [ENH] no need for any config in any environment
- [BUG] proper handling of guards in compiler, correct event names
## [Documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/telemetria).