%% @doc
%% A time-based poller to periodically dispatch Telemetry events.
%% A poller is a process start in your supervision tree with a list
%% of measurements to perform periodically. On start it expects the
%% period in milliseconds and a list of measurements to perform. Initial delay
%% is an optional parameter that sets time delay in milliseconds before starting
%% measurements:
%% ```
%% telemetry_poller:start_link([
%% {measurements, Measurements},
%% {period, Period},
%% {init_delay, InitDelay}
%% ])
%% '''
%% The following measurements are supported:
%% * `memory' (default)
%% * `total_run_queue_lengths' (default)
%% * `system_counts' (default)
%% * `{process_info, Proplist}'
%% * `{Module, Function, Args}'
%% We will discuss each measurement in detail. Also note that the
%% telemetry_poller application ships with a built-in poller that
%% measures `memory', `total_run_queue_lengths' and `system_counts'. This takes
%% the VM measurement out of the way so your application can focus
%% on what is specific to its behaviour.
%% == Memory ==
%% An event emitted as `[vm, memory]'. The measurement includes all
%% the key-value pairs returned by {@link erlang:memory/0} function,
%% e.g. `total' for total memory, `processes_used' for memory used by
%% all processes, etc.
%% == Total run queue lengths ==
%% On startup, the Erlang VM starts many schedulers to do both IO and
%% CPU work. If a process needs to do some work or wait on IO, it is
%% allocated to the appropriate scheduler. The run queue is a queue of
%% tasks to be scheduled. A length of a run queue corresponds to the amount
%% of work accumulated in the system. If a run queue length is constantly
%% growing, it means that the BEAM is not keeping up with executing all
%% the tasks.
%% There are several run queue types in the Erlang VM. Each CPU scheduler
%% (usually one per core) has its own run queue, and since Erlang 20.0 there
%% is one dirty CPU run queue, and one dirty IO run queue.
%% The run queue length event is emitted as `[vm, total_run_queue_lengths]'.
%% The event contains no metadata and three measurements:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`total' - a sum of all run queue lengths</li>
%% <li>`cpu' - a sum of CPU schedulers' run queue lengths, including dirty CPU run queue length on Erlang version 20 and greater</li>
%% <li>`io' - length of dirty IO run queue. It's always 0 if running on Erlang versions prior to 20.</li>
%% </ul>
%% Note that the method of making this measurement varies between different
%% Erlang versions: the implementation on versions earlier than Erlang/OTP 20
%% is less efficient.
%% The length of all queues is not gathered atomically, so the event value
%% does not represent a consistent snapshot of the run queues' state.
%% However, the value is accurate enough to help to identify issues in a
%% running system.
%% == System counts ==
%% An event emitted as `[vm, system_counts]'. The event contains no metadata
%% and three measurements:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`process_count' - number of process currently existing at the local node</li>
%% <li>`atom_count' - number of atoms currently existing at the local node</li>
%% <li>`port_count' - number of ports currently existing at the local node</li>
%% </ul>
%% All three measurements are from {@link erlang:system_info/1}.
%% == Process info ==
%% A measurement with information about a given process. It must be specified
%% alongside a proplist with the process name, the event name, and a list of
%% keys to be included:
%% ```
%% {process_info, [
%% {name, my_app_worker},
%% {event, [my_app, worker]},
%% {keys, [message_queue_len, memory]}
%% ]}
%% '''
%% The `keys' is a list of atoms accepted by {@link erlang:process_info/2}.
%% == Custom measurements ==
%% Telemetry poller also allows you to perform custom measurements by passing
%% a module-function-args tuple:
%% ```
%% {my_app_example, measure, []}
%% '''
%% The given function will be invoked periodically and they must explicitly invoke
%% {@link telemetry:execute/3} function. If the invocation of the MFA fails,
%% the measurement is removed from the Poller.
%% For all options, see {@link start_link/1}. The options listed there can be given
%% to the default poller as well as to custom pollers.
%% == Default poller ==
%% A default poller is started with `telemetry_poller' responsible for emitting
%% measurements for `memory' and `total_run_queue_lengths'. You can customize
%% the behaviour of the default poller by setting the `default' key under the
%% `telemetry_poller' application environment. Setting it to `false' disables
%% the poller.
%% == Example - tracking number of active sessions in web application ==
%% Let's imagine that you have a web application and you would like to periodically
%% measure number of active user sessions.
%% ```
%% -module(example_app).
%% session_count() ->
%% % logic for calculating session count.
%% '''
%% To achieve that, we need a measurement dispatching the value we're interested in:
%% ```
%% -module(example_app_measurements).
%% dispatch_session_count() ->
%% telemetry:execute([example_app, session_count], example_app:session_count()).
%% '''
%% and tell the Poller to invoke it periodically:
%% ```
%% telemetry_poller:start_link([{measurements, [{example_app_measurements, dispatch_session_count, []}]).
%% '''
%% If you find that you need to somehow label the event values, e.g. differentiate between number of
%% sessions of regular and admin users, you could use event metadata:
%% ```
%% -module(example_app_measurements).
%% dispatch_session_count() ->
%% Regulars = example_app:regular_users_session_count(),
%% Admins = example_app:admin_users_session_count(),
%% telemetry:execute([example_app, session_count], #{count => Admins}, #{role => admin}),
%% telemetry:execute([example_app, session_count], #{count => Regulars}, #{role => regular}).
%% '''
%% <blockquote>Note: the other solution would be to dispatch two different events by hooking up
%% `example_app:regular_users_session_count/0' and `example_app:admin_users_session_count/0'
%% functions directly. However, if you add more and more user roles to your app, you'll find
%% yourself creating a new event for each one of them, which will force you to modify existing
%% event handlers. If you can break down event value by some feature, like user role in this
%% example, it's usually better to use event metadata than add new events.
%% </blockquote>
%% This is a perfect use case for poller, because you don't need to write a dedicated process
%% which would call these functions periodically. Additionally, if you find that you need to collect
%% more statistics like this in the future, you can easily hook them up to the same poller process
%% and avoid creating lots of processes which would stay idle most of the time.
%% @end
%% API
-export([code_change/3, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2,
handle_info/2, init/1, terminate/2]).
-type t() :: gen_server:server_ref().
-type options() :: [option()].
-type option() ::
{name, atom() | gen_server:server_name()}
| {period, period()}
| {init_delay, init_delay()}
| {measurements, [measurement()]}.
-type measurement() ::
| total_run_queue_lengths
| system_counts
| {process_info, [{name, atom()} | {event, [atom()]} | {keys, [atom()]}]}
| {module(), atom(), list()}.
-type period() :: pos_integer().
-type init_delay() :: non_neg_integer().
-type state() :: #{measurements => [measurement()], period => period()}.
%% @doc Starts a poller linked to the calling process.
%% Useful for starting Pollers as a part of a supervision tree.
%% Default options: [{name, telemetry_poller}, {period, timer:seconds(5)}, {init_delay, 0}]
-spec start_link(options()) -> gen_server:start_ret().
start_link(Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
Args = parse_args(Opts),
case lists:keyfind(name, 1, Opts) of
{name, Name} when is_atom(Name) -> gen_server:start_link({local, Name}, ?MODULE, Args, []);
{name, Name} -> gen_server:start_link(Name, ?MODULE, Args, []);
false -> gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Args, [])
%% @doc
%% Returns a list of measurements used by the poller.
-spec list_measurements(t()) -> [measurement()].
list_measurements(Poller) ->
gen_server:call(Poller, get_measurements).
-spec init(map()) -> {ok, state()}.
init(Args) ->
schedule_measurement(maps:get(init_delay, Args)),
{ok, #{
measurements => maps:get(measurements, Args),
period => maps:get(period, Args)}}.
%% @doc
%% Returns a child spec for the poller for running under a supervisor.
child_spec(Opts) ->
Id =
case proplists:get_value(name, Opts) of
undefined -> ?MODULE;
Name when is_atom(Name) -> Name;
{global, Name} -> Name;
{via, _, Name} -> Name
id => Id,
start => {telemetry_poller, start_link, [Opts]}
parse_args(Args) ->
Measurements = proplists:get_value(measurements, Args, []),
Period = proplists:get_value(period, Args, timer:seconds(5)),
InitDelay = proplists:get_value(init_delay, Args, 0),
measurements => parse_measurements(Measurements),
period => validate_period(Period),
init_delay => validate_init_delay(InitDelay)
-spec schedule_measurement(non_neg_integer()) -> ok.
schedule_measurement(CollectInMillis) ->
erlang:send_after(CollectInMillis, self(), collect), ok.
-spec validate_period(term()) -> period() | no_return().
validate_period(Period) when is_integer(Period), Period > 0 ->
validate_period(Term) ->
erlang:error({badarg, "Expected period to be a positive integer"}, [Term]).
-spec validate_init_delay(term()) -> init_delay() | no_return().
validate_init_delay(InitDelay) when is_integer(InitDelay), InitDelay >= 0 ->
validate_init_delay(Term) ->
erlang:error({badarg, "Expected init_delay to be 0 or a positive integer"}, [Term]).
-spec parse_measurements([measurement()]) -> [{module(), atom(), list()}].
parse_measurements(Measurements) when is_list(Measurements) ->
lists:map(fun parse_measurement/1, Measurements);
parse_measurements(Term) ->
erlang:error({badarg, "Expected measurements to be a list"}, [Term]).
-spec parse_measurement(measurement()) -> {module(), atom(), list()}.
parse_measurement(memory) ->
{telemetry_poller_builtin, memory, []};
parse_measurement(total_run_queue_lengths) ->
{telemetry_poller_builtin, total_run_queue_lengths, []};
parse_measurement(system_counts) ->
{telemetry_poller_builtin, system_counts, []};
parse_measurement({process_info, List}) when is_list(List) ->
Name = case proplists:get_value(name, List) of
undefined -> erlang:error({badarg, "Expected `name' key to be given under process_info measurement"});
PropName when is_atom(PropName) -> PropName;
PropName -> erlang:error({badarg, "Expected `name' key to be an atom under process_info measurement"}, [PropName])
Event = case proplists:get_value(event, List) of
undefined -> erlang:error({badarg, "Expected `event' key to be given under process_info measurement"});
PropEvent when is_list(PropEvent) -> PropEvent;
PropEvent -> erlang:error({badarg, "Expected `event' key to be a list of atoms under process_info measurement"}, [PropEvent])
Keys = case proplists:get_value(keys, List) of
undefined -> erlang:error({badarg, "Expected `keys' key to be given under process_info measurement"});
PropKeys when is_list(PropKeys) -> PropKeys;
PropKeys -> erlang:error({badarg, "Expected `keys' key to be a list of atoms under process_info measurement"}, [PropKeys])
{telemetry_poller_builtin, process_info, [Event, Name, Keys]};
parse_measurement({M, F, A}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(A) ->
{M, F, A};
parse_measurement(Term) ->
erlang:error({badarg, "Expected measurement to be memory, total_run_queue_lenths, {process_info, list()}, or a {module(), function(), list()} tuple"}, [Term]).
-spec make_measurements_and_filter_misbehaving([measurement()]) -> [measurement()].
make_measurements_and_filter_misbehaving(Measurements) ->
[Measurement || Measurement <- Measurements, make_measurement(Measurement) =/= error].
-spec make_measurement(measurement()) -> measurement() | no_return().
make_measurement(Measurement = {M, F, A}) ->
try erlang:apply(M, F, A) of
_ -> Measurement
Class:Reason:Stacktrace ->
?LOG_ERROR("Error when calling MFA defined by measurement: ~p ~p ~p~n"
[M, F, A, Class, Reason, Stacktrace]),
handle_call(get_measurements, _From, State = #{measurements := Measurements}) ->
{reply, Measurements, State};
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
{reply, ok, State}.
handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}.
handle_info(collect, State) ->
GoodMeasurements = make_measurements_and_filter_misbehaving(maps:get(measurements, State)),
schedule_measurement(maps:get(period, State)),
{noreply, State#{measurements := GoodMeasurements}};
handle_info(_, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok.
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}.