Telephonist makes it easy to design state machines for [Twilio][twilio] calls.
These state machines bring TwiML and logic together in one place, making call
flows easier to maintain.
## Installation
Get it from [Hex]( by adding it to your `deps` in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:telephonist, "~> 0.1.2"}]
Run `mix deps.get` to install the package. Then, add `:telephonist` to your
applications list. For example:
def application do
[mod: {YourApp, []},
applications: [:logger, :telephonist]]
This will ensure that all Telephonist's processes are started and supervised
## Usage
### Basic Concepts
Like most state machines, Telephonist state machines are based on two concepts:
state and transitions.
#### State
A state is represented by the `Telephonist.State` struct.
machine: MachineName,
name: :state_name,
options: [],
twiml: "<?xml ..."
States are primarily used to define what TwiML should be displayed to Twilio for
a given call at a particular time. Telephonist provides a simple macro to make
generating and returning `Telephonist.State` structs easy:
defmodule CustomStateMachine do
use Telephonist.StateMachine, initial_state: :introduction
state :introduction, _twilio, _options do
say "Welcome to my phone tree!"
The `state/3` macro is just sugar, and defines a function like this:
def state(:introduction, _twilio, options) do
xml = twiml do
say "Welcome to my phone tree!"
machine: __MODULE__,
name: :introduction,
options: options,
twiml: xml
The three arguments are as follows:
- `state_name`: the name of the state, obviously.
- `twilio`: a map of parameters sent in from Twilio.
- `options`: a map of custom options defined by you at various points during the
call's lifecycle.
Whenever Telephonist wants to get a particular state out of your module, it will
call the `state/3` function generated by the `state/3` macro, like so:
# twilio -> a map of parameters that came from Twilio
# options -> any custom options that are appended to the call over time
CustomStateMachine.state(:introduction, twilio, options)
You can pattern match with the `state/3` struct just like a function definition.
state :introduction, _twilio, %{error: msg} do
say "An error occurred! #{msg}"
state :introduction, _twilio, _options do
say "Welcome to my phone tree!"
### Transitions
Transitions are handled through the `transition/3` function. It takes the same
three arguments as the `state/3` function or macro.
- `state_name`: the name of the state that is being transitioned from.
- `twilio`: a map of parameters passed in from Twilio.
- `options`: a map of custom parameters defined by you.
You can define it on your state machines like so:
defmodule CustomCallFlow do
use Telephonist.StateMachine, initial_state: :choose_language
state :choose_language, twilio, options do
say "#{options[:error]}" # say any error, if present
gather timeout: 10 do
say "For English, press 1"
say "Para español, presione 2"
state :english, twilio, options do
say "Proceeding in English..."
state :spanish, twilio, options do
say "Procediendo en español..."
# If the user pressed "1" on their keypad, transition to English state
def transition(:choose_language, %{Digits: "1"} = twilio, options) do
state :english, twilio, options
# If the user pressed "2" on their keypad, transition to Spanish state
def transition(:choose_language, %{Digits: "2"} = twilio, options) do
state :spanish, twilio, options
# If neither of the above are true, append an error to the options and
# remain on the current state
def transition(:choose_language, twilio, options) do
options = Map.put(options, :error, "You pressed an invalid digit. Please try again.")
state :choose_language, twilio, options
Note that `transition/3` must return a `Telephonist.State`. This is easily done
by simply calling the `state/3` function. Also, note that you can easily switch
to _another_ state machine by simply calling `state` on it:
def transition(:choose_language, %{Digits: "1"} = twilio, options) do
EnglishCallFlow.state(:introduction, twilio, options)
def transition(:choose_language, %{Digits: "2"} = twilio, options) do
SpanishCallFlow.state(:introduction, twilio, options)
Control of the call will then be passed to the other state machine. This allows
you to keep your state machines small, focused, and potentially reusable.
#### on_complete/3
When a call completes, Telephonist will call the `on_complete/3` callback. It
will receive the `Telephonist.State` of the call at the time it completed,
Twilio's final request parameters, and the custom options the call accumulated
during its life:
def on_complete({sid, twilio_call_status, state}, twilio, options) do
This is a good place to put any cleanup logic that you need to perform after a
call completes.
#### on_transition_error/4
This callback will be run if a transition fails due to an exception. This will
most often occur when you fail to define a transition or state, or if your
pattern matching left a case out. It provides you an opportunity to recover the
call and prevent the user from hearing a Twilio error message.
def on_transition_error(exception, state_name, twilio, options) do
# To prevent an error, return a new state:
state :recover, twilio, options
The default implementation of `on_transition_error/4` that comes with
`Telephonist.StateMachine` will simply re-raise the error.
### Processing Calls
Once you've defined a state machine, you can process calls through it using
# The web framework shown here is pseudo-code
def index(conn, twilio) do
options = %{} # Whatever I want to be able to use in my states and transitions
state = Telephonist.CallProcessor.process(MyStateMachine, twilio, options)
render conn, xml: state.twiml
That's it! New calls will start off in `MyStateMachine.initial_state` and
progress from there. Existing calls will be looked up in an ETS table managed by
`Telephonist.OngoingCall` and will progress from where they left off.
#### Under the Hood
- The current state of all ongoing calls is stored in the ETS table managed by
the `Telephonist.OngoingCall` process. See its docs for more details.
### Subscribing to Events
Telephonist publishes events via `GenEvent`. In fact, `Telephonist.Logger` is
simply a subscriber to these events. Look there for an example of how to
implement your own subscriber.
## Other Twilio Libraries
See these other Elixir libraries I've written for Elixir:
- [ExTwilio][ex_twilio]. A Twilio API client.
- [ExTwiml][ex_twiml]. Render TwiML from Elixir. This is actually a dependency
of Telephonist, and is used in the `state/3` macro.
Telephonist is under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE](/ file for
more details.