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# templaterl
Simple templating with customizable expressions

# Usage
Simple replacement usage:
templaterl:compile(<<"I have a {{{car_model}}}.">>, [{<<"car_model">>, <<"Nissan GTR">>}]).
<<"I have a Nissan GTR.">>

Replacement with expressions:
Uppercase = fun(_Token, Value) -> << <<(string:to_upper(X))>> || <<X>> <= Value >> end.
templaterl:compile(<<"I have a {{{uppercase car_model}}}.">>, [{<<"car_model">>, <<"Nissan GTR">>},
                                                               {<<"uppercase">>, Uppercase}]).
<<"I have a NISSAN GTR.">>

# Tests
Run tests by running:
rebar3 eunit

# Benchmarks
You can run benchmarks on your own machine by running:
rebar3 cmd benchmark

TODO: Add benchmark results

# Profiling
To run and open qcachegrind on mac OSX:
rebar3 cmd profile