# Temple.Phoenix

[Phoenix]( integration for [Temple](

## Installation

def deps do
    {:temple_phoenix, "~> 0.1"}

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This package provides

- Phoenix template engine for Phoenix views and co-located LiveView templates.

## Phoenix template engine

The Temple.Phoenix.Engine module makes it possible to use Temple with Phoenix controllers and LiveViews.

To get started, you will configure Phoenix to use this module for `.exs` files and configure Temple to
use the appropriate EEx engine..

# config.exs
config :phoenix, :template_engines,
  # this will work for files named like `index.html.exs`
  exs: Temple.Phoenix.Engine

config :temple,
  engine: Phoenix.HTML.Engine # or Phoenix.LiveView.Engine

# config/dev.exs
config :your_app, YourAppWeb.Endpoint,
  live_reload: [
    patterns: [

# my_app/
#   lib/
#     my_app/
#     my_app_web/
#       templates/
#         posts/
#           show.html.exs
#       live/
#         posts_live/
#           show.ex
#           show.html.exs

Now you can get started by writing `exs` files in the templates directory and they will be compiled as you would expect.