# ![Tempus]( Tempus    [![Kantox ❤ OSS](❤-kantox_oss-informational.svg)](  ![Test](  ![Dialyzer](

**Easy handling of time periods aka slots, like business days, holidays, etc.**

## Installation

def deps do
    {:tempus, "~> 0.1"}

## Changelog
- **`0.4.2`** — make `:telemetria` dependency fully optional
- **`0.4.0`** — `~I` sigil to ease slots creation, wrap date/times, fancy inspect
- **`0.3.0`** — drastical performance improvements, benchmarks
- **`0.2.4`** — fixed bug when finding next free/busy for empty slots
- **`0.2.3`** — correctly handle empty slots in `next_busy/2`/`next_free/2`
- **`0.2.2`** — `Slot.shift_tz/3`
- **`0.2.1`** — accept function as well as stream in `Slots.merge/2`
- **`0.2.0`** — many improvements, `Tempus.add/2` similar to `DateTime.add/4` but considering slots

## [Documentation](