
defmodule Tesla.Env do
  @moduledoc """
  This module defines a `t:Tesla.Env.t/0` struct that stores all data related to request/response.

  ## Fields

  - `:method` - method of request. Example: `:get`
  - `:url` - request url. Example: `""`
  - `:query` - list of query params.
    Example: `[{"param", "value"}]` will be translated to `?params=value`.
    Note: query params passed in url (e.g. `"/get?param=value"`) are not parsed to `query` field.
  - `:headers` - list of request/response headers.
    Example: `[{"content-type", "application/json"}]`.
    Note: request headers are overridden by response headers when adapter is called.
  - `:body` - request/response body.
    Note: request body is overridden by response body when adapter is called.
  - `:status` - response status. Example: `200`
  - `:opts` - list of options. Example: `[adapter: [recv_timeout: 30_000]]`

  @type client :: Tesla.Client.t()
  @type method :: :head | :get | :delete | :trace | :options | :post | :put | :patch
  @type url :: binary
  @type param :: binary | [{binary | atom, param}]
  @type query :: [{binary | atom, param}]
  @type headers :: [{binary, binary}]

  @type body :: any
  @type status :: integer | nil
  @type opts :: keyword

  @type runtime :: {atom, atom, any} | {atom, atom} | {:fn, (t -> t)} | {:fn, (t, stack -> t)}
  @type stack :: [runtime]
  @type result :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, any}

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          method: method,
          query: query,
          url: url,
          headers: headers,
          body: body,
          status: status,
          opts: opts,
          __module__: atom,
          __client__: client

  defstruct method: nil,
            url: "",
            query: [],
            headers: [],
            body: nil,
            status: nil,
            opts: [],
            __module__: nil,
            __client__: nil