# RecursiveMatch

Module for matching

### What difference between `Kernel.match?/2` and `RecursiveMatch.match_r/3`?
When you use `Kernel.match?/2`
* can't invoke functions in pattern
* can't match not strict equality (only `===`, no `==`)

`RecursiveMatch.match_r/3` allows you invoke functions in patterns, match not strictly (with option `strict: false`)

### What is for `assert_match/3` and `refute_match/3`?
Is is same as `assert RecursiveMatch.match_r`, but with detailed fail message. ExUnit has no special message for `match_r/3` and even special message for `match?/2` is not detailed enough, it has no diff in fail message.

`assert_match/3` provide diff in test fail message

<img src="/images/screenshot.png?raw=true" width="500" height="155">

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `test_match` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:test_match, "~> 1.1.0"}

## Usage
defmodule YourModule do
  import RecursiveMatch

  def some_function do
    match_r 1, 2
    match_r a, b
    match_r :_, b


defmodule YourModuleTest do
  use ExUnit.Case
  import RecursiveMatch

  test "some test" do
    assert_match 1, 2
    assert_match :_, b
    assert_match a, b
    refute_match a, c


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