# TestOof


A tiny test helper tool to make sure all your test files run.

## Why
I'm an idiot. As an idiot, I often will write tests that I think are great
and the whole suite passes and I feel great about myself. Only
later—sometimes much later— do I notice the compiler warning that one of my
beautiful tests has the `.ex` extension and not the `.exs` extenion that
ExUnit requires to run the test.

This package is an attempt to remove that rake I tend to step on.

## How it works
TestOof assumes that all files in your test directory (the location of
which you can override) that end in `_test` are indeed ExUnit test files.
TestOof gathers files matching that criteria and filters that list down to
files whose extension is anything other than `.exs`. If there are any files
left after filter, TestOof raises and lists all offenders.

* Could it be more efficient? Certainly.
* Will it stop me from making the mistake of assuming test are running when the actually aren't? Possibly

## Installation

When [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `test_oof` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:test_oof, "~> 0.2.0", only: :test}

Then add the following to your `test_helper.exs`


## Configuration
`test_oof` supports the following options as configuration:
* `test_dir` (string): Path to where the tests live, e.g. `File.cwd!() <> "/test"`
* `ignore` (list): Paths to ignore when checking extensions—false positives., e.g. `["some_cool_test"]`

Documentation can be found at

## Development
### Run the tests
$ mix test

Or run the linter and tests combined:
$ make test

### Run the linter
$ make lint

## Roadmap
* [ ] Handle umbrella projects
* [x] Make it more configurable
* [ ] Add an option to auto-correct
* [x] Add an option to ignore a list of false positives

## License