# TestSelector

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A set of Elixir helpers to set/get test selectors to/from elements in a Phoenix app (when `Mix.env == :test`). These selectors are hashed (scoped to the view module they are used in) for accurate selection and "leakage" prevention. See our [Wiki]( for examples.

**Why?** Because we prefer reserving classes for styling, and id's have limitations because they have to be unique.

## Dependencies

- [Floki]( v0.25.x and higher

## Installation

def deps do
    {:test_selector, "~> 0.3.3"}

Use `TestSelector.HTML.Helpers` to your web.ex.

- In phoenix 1.2.0 at `web/web.ex`
- In newer Phoenix versions `lib/your_project/web/web.ex`

Add somewhere along:

def view(opts \\ []) do
  quote do
    use Phoenix.HTML

    use TestSelector.HTML.Helpers

**Testing with Floki**

In the tests import the `TestSelector.Test.FlokiHelpers`:

defmodule Project.Web.MyTest do

  import TestSelector.Test.FlokiHelpers

## Tests

Run the tests:
mix test

## Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2017 Defacto

Released under the MIT License, which can be found in the repository in