# Testcontainers
> Testcontainers is an Elixir library that supports ExUnit tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container.
## Usage
defmodule ASimpleMySqlContainerTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
import Testcontainers.ExUnit
alias Testcontainers.Container.MySqlContainer
describe "with default configuration" do
container(:mysql, MySqlContainer.new())
test "provides a ready-to-use mysql container", %{mysql: mysql} do
assert mysql.environment[:MYSQL_MAJOR] == "8.0"
## Start container directly in test helper
If you want to setup a globally shared database for all tests in the project, you can now configure and run a container inside the `test/test_helper.exs` file:
import Testcontainers.ExUnit
alias Testcontainers.Container
alias Container.PostgresContainer
exposed_port = 5432
host_port = 2345
postgres =
|> Container.with_fixed_port(exposed_port, host_port)
{:ok, _} = run_container(postgres, on_exit: nil) # <- cannot use exunits on_exit callback here
The container will be deleted by Ryuk after the test session ends.
## Configure logging
Testontainers doesn't log anything by default.
If you want Testcontainers to log, set the wanted log level in config/test.exs
import Config
config :testcontainers,
log_level: :warning
## Contribution
Do you want to contribute? Find spots to improve on, fire up an issue and get the discussion going.