
#### This project builds on top of [Phoenix](, so you'll need a new phoenix project.  These install docs assume you're using phoenix 1.3+.

###### You can find an example lightweight application [here](  The commits on the example project are just following the installation below.

# Installation

## 1. Add dependencies
# file: ./mix.exs
  defp deps do
      {:texas, "^x.x.x"}, # latest should be denoted by the texas hex badge at the top

# file: ./assets/package.json
  "dependencies": {
    "texasjs": "^x.x.x", # latest should be denoted by the texasjs npm badge at the top
install the deps 
 - `$ mix deps.get`
 - `$ cd assets/ && npm install`

## 2. setup your websocket channels and texasjs
# file: ./assets/js/app.js

import socket from "./socket"
import texasjs from  "texasjs"
// texas needs access to the phoenix apps websocket
new texasjs(socket)
# file: ./lib/<your_app>_web/channels/user_socket.ex
defmodule WorkingOnDocsWeb.UserSocket do
  use Texas.Socket

## 3. let texas know where your endpoint and router modules are via config and setup the templating engine to compile .tex files
# file: config/config.ex
config :texas, pubsub: <YourApp>Web.Endpoint
config :texas, router: <YourApp>Web.Router
config :phoenix, :template_engines,
  tex:  Texas.TemplateEngine

## 4. insert the texas plug into your http pipeline and import some rendering functions texas gives you into the controllers you want to use with texas
 # file: ./lib/<your_app>_web/router.ex

defmodule <YourAppWeb>.Router do

  pipeline :browser do


# file: ./lib/<your_app>_web/controllers/page_controller.ex
defmodule <YourApp>Web.PageController do
  import Texas.Controller


## 5. Creating a dynamic template and view
> note: the template needs to be `.tex` (or whatever you put in your config) to get run thru the texas template engine!
# file: ./lib/<your_app>_web/templates/<your_view>/index.html.tex

<div data-texas="example_list">
  Some example prototype data that will be overwritten.

# file: ./lib/<your_app>_web/views/<your_view>.ex

defmodule <YourApp>Web.<YourView> do
  use <YourApp>Web, :view

  def data(conn) do
    %{ example_list: example_list(conn) }

  def example_list(_conn) do
    {"div", [class: "some-class"], []}

## 6. responding with that rendered view via a controller
# file: ./lib/<your_app>_web/controllers/page_controller.ex
  def index(conn, _params) do
    texas_render conn, "index.html", [texas: <YourApp>Web.<YourView>.data(conn)]