# TextDiff
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`TextDiff` returns a formatted diff between two strings.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `text_idff` to your list of
dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:text_diff, "~> 0.1"}
## Example
iex> code = """
...> defmodule Foo do
...> @moduledoc false
...> def foo, do: :foo
...> def three_times(x) do
...> {x,
...> x,x}
...> end
...> def bar(x) do
...> {:bar, x}
...> end
...> end\
...> """
...> formatted = code |> Code.format_string!() |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
...> code
...> |> TextDiff.format(formatted, color: false)
...> |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
...> |> IO.puts()
1 1 |defmodule Foo do
2 - | @moduledoc false
2 + | @moduledoc false
3 3 |
4 - | def foo, do: :foo
4 + | def foo, do: :foo
5 5 |
6 6 | def three_times(x) do
7 - | {x,
8 - | x,x}
7 + | {x, x, x}
9 8 | end
10 9 |
The colorised diff is shown below:
![Colorised diff](images/diff.png)