# Themis
Prometheus client in pure Gleam!
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gleam add themis
## Quick Start
import themis
import gleam/dict
import gleam/io
pub fn main() {
// Create a new themis store
let store = themis.new()
// Add a gauge metric
let assert Ok(store) = themis.add_gauge(
"Current memory usage in bytes",
// Record some values with labels
let labels = dict.from_list([
#("process", "web_server"),
#("instance", "prod-1"),
let assert Ok(store) = themis.insert_gauge_record(
// Export metrics in Prometheus format
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/themis>.
## Usage
### Working with Different Numeric Types
Themis metric values are set using the dedicated `Number` type. There are 5 number types available:
import themis
// Integer values
let memory = themis.int(1_234_567)
// Decimal (float) values
let temperature = themis.dec(23.5)
// Special values
let and_beyond = themis.pos_inf()
let lower_bound = themis.neg_inf()
let unknown = themis.nan()
## Output Format
The metrics are exported in the standard Prometheus text format:
# HELP process_memory_bytes Current memory usage in bytes
# TYPE process_memory_bytes gauge
process_memory_bytes{process="web_server",instance="prod-1"} 1234567
## License