# Thesis Content Editing System

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Thesis is a lightweight and flexible Elixir/Phoenix hex package for quickly and easily
adding content editing to any page on a Phoenix website.

It's not quite a Phoenix CMS, so we call it a Phoenix CES -- content editing system.

See also the Thesis [Rails gem](

![screen capture on 2016-04-20 at 15-11-10 copy](

## Thesis Features

* Elixir/Phoenix hex package, uses React.js for its user interface
* Lightweight, bolt-on, doesn't hijack your development workflow
* On-page rich text editing
* On-page plain text editing
* Raw HTML editing for Youtube embeds or other flexible uses
* Image URL editing, both `img` tag and `div` with background image
* Page meta title and description editing
* Easily bring your own authentication system in one tiny function

## Installation and Configuration

_If you are having problems, view `` for manual instructions._

#### 1. Add thesis to your `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:thesis, "~> 0.0.19"}]

def application do
  [applications: [:thesis]]

#### 2. Run `mix thesis.install`

This install script will add Thesis to your `config.exs` and `web.ex`, as well
as generate migrations and an authorization module in your `lib/thesis_auth.ex`.

#### 3. Add the Thesis editor to your layout

    <%= thesis_editor(@conn) %>

#### 4. Run `mix ecto.migrate`

$ mix ecto.migrate

## Making Pages Editable

Use the `Thesis.View.content/4` view helper function to make a content area
editable. If you have `use Thesis.View` in your `web.ex` file, this function
is already available on all of your views.

Thesis will add a wrapper `<div>` around editable HTML and plain-text content
areas, both in read mode and edit mode, so plan your CSS accordingly.

### Rich Text Areas

Simply wrap your HTML in a `content` function call, specifying `html` as the content type.

  Here's my default description!


<%= content(@conn, "Section identifier", :html) do %>
    Here's my default description!
<% end %>

### Plain Text Areas

For plain-text, provide a `do:` option for default text.

<h1>My Title</h1>


<h1><%= content(@conn, "Title identifier", :text, do: "My Title") %></h1>

### Custom HTML Areas

For video embeds, iframes, and any other custom HTML, use the `:raw_html` content type:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


<%= content(@conn, "Section identifier", :raw_html) do %>
  <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<% end %>

### Images (by URL)

You can have the user specify an image URL and display the image with the `image` content type.

<img src="">


<%= content(@conn, "Image identifier", :image, alt: "My alt tag", do: "")

If you prefer to use a `div` with a background image, you can use the `background_image`
content type.

<div style="background-image: url("></div>


<%= content(@conn, "Image identifier", :background_image, do: "")

_Note: Image uploads are coming soon._

### Global Content Areas

Content areas in Thesis are page-specific. However, if you want an editable
area that can be displayed on multiple pages, use the
`Thesis.View.global_content/4` function. Any page using that content area identifier
will display the edited content across the whole website.

<%= global_content(@conn, "Footer Text", :html) do %>
  <h4>Contact Info</h4>
    <li>Call us at (800) 555-1212</li>
    <li>Email us at</li>
<% end %>

### Customizing the Thesis markup

Thesis adds an additional `<div>` around your editable content areas. We suggest that
you not style these divs heavily, since Thesis uses them as editors and adds its own styles
in edit-mode. However, sometimes, you need to modify that markup slightly for better presentation.
You can provide an ID and additional classes by specifying `id` and `classes`, respectively.

<%= content(@conn, "Ident", :html, id: "my-id", classes: "more classes") do %>
<% end %>

### Page Meta Title and Description

Thesis provides a settings tray to edit each page's title and description. In your
layout, you can output the current title and description like so:

<title><%= page_title(@conn, "Default Title") %></title>
<meta name="description" content="<%= page_description(@conn, "Default Description") %>" />

Some prefer to set the page title and description as assigns in their controller actions:

def about(conn, params) do
  @title = Thesis.View.page_title(conn, "About My Company")
  @description = Thesis.View.page_description(conn, "A relevant description here.")

## Authorization

You probably don't want your website editable by the world. Thesis doesn't
force you to use any particular authorization strategy.

Instead, Thesis will call your auth module's `page_is_editable?/1` function
and provide the current `conn`, which can be used to extract current user
session data as well as the current page, and then you can decide how that
should affect authorization.

Here's an example which we use on our own website, [](

defmodule IrWebsite.ThesisAuth do
  @behaviour Thesis.Auth

  def page_is_editable?(conn) do

In our `auth_controller.ex` file, the `logged_in?/1` function looks something
like this:

  def logged_in?(conn) do

  def current_user(conn) do
    get_session(conn, :current_user)

So, in this case, we're simply checking to see if the user has been logged in
or not. Since only Infinite Red employees have logins, it's safe for us to
assume that if they're logged in, they have permission to edit the page.

If you use [Guardian]( or something similar,
you may need additional manipulations to your `conn` to properly authenticate the
user. Add those to your auth module like this:

defmodule MyApp.ThesisAuth do
  @moduledoc """
  Contains functions for handling Thesis authorization.

  def page_is_editable?(conn) do
    |> MyApp.SessionController.logged_in_and_admin?

## What Thesis Isn't

You can't have it all. Thesis isn't the same as other -bloated- full-function
content management systems out there. This is a list of what it's not now and
not likely to be in the future.

* Not a complete WordPress Replacement
* Not a full featured CMS
* Not a full featured WYSIWYG editor
* Not an authentication or permission system
* Not supported outside of a Phoenix app

## Contributing

We're committed to making Thesis the go-to content editing system for Phoenix
websites. Please help us improve!

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Run `brunch watch` during development
5. Write tests for your new feature
6. Run `mix test` in the root directory to ensure that all tests pass.
7. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
8. Create new Pull Request

### Key Contributors

* Jamon Holmgren [@jamonholmgren](
* Ken Miller [@seriousken](
* Daniel Berkompas [@dberkom](
* Yulian Glukhenko [@yulianglukhenko](

Also supported by others on the [Infinite Red]( team.

### License: MIT

Copyright (c) 2016 Infinite Red, Inc.

Thesis depends on Elixir, which is under the Apache 2 license, and
Phoenix, which is MIT.

See for more information.