# ThinNotionApi

ThinNotionApi is an Elixir package to easily communicate with the Notion API.
The main objective to provide a simple straight forward way for a person to fetch or update information without a large or complex interface.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `thin_notion_api` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:thin_notion_api, "~> 1.0.1"}

Next log in to the [Notion Developers]( site. Visit [My Integrations]( and create `New Integration`. After creating your integration, you should now have a `Internal Integration Token` you will use for all your Notion API requests. Make sure to keep this secret private and never leak it because at the moment you cannot regenerate a new one if compromised.

Add your integration token and which [Version of the Notion API]( you are using (if not provided, it will default to `2021-08-16`) to config/config.exs:

config :thin_notion_api, :api_key, System.get_env("NOTION_API_KEY")
config :thin_notion_api, :notion_version, System.get_env("NOTION_VERSION")

You are good to go.

## Usage

Retrieve information about a Notion database
iex> ThinNotionApi.Databases.retrieve_database(database_id)

Retrieves a Page object using the ID specified.
Responses contains page properties, not page content. To fetch page content, use the retrieve block children endpoint.

iex> ThinNotionApi.Pages.retrieve_page(page_id)

Find all modules and functions you can use in the [API Reference section](

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](

## v2021 Supported Features

- [x] List database
- [x] Query database
- [x] Page object actions
- [x] Block actions
- [x] User actions
- [x] Search

## Development Progress

- [ ] Support changes for [2022-06-28](])
- [ ] Support changes for [version 2022-02-22](

## Release Process

Validate documentation by generating using following command
mix docs

You can spin up a quick web server to host documentation if you have node installed by using the following command:
npx http-serve doc

Ensure version in the `mix.exs` has been properly incremented.

If everything looks good, you can release by running.
mix hex.publish