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# ThumborClient
This package is a client to generate URLs to [Thumbor](https://github.com/thumbor/thumbor) using Elixir language.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `thumbor_client` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:thumbor_client, "~> 0.4.0"}
## Usage
### In safe mode
iex> client = ThumborClient.client("my_secret_token")
iex> client.(%{image: "path/to/image.jpg", width: 500, height: 500})
### In unsafe mode
iex> client = ThumborClient.client()
iex> client.("%{image: "path/to/image.jpg", width: 500, height: 500})
### Another way to generate
The method `client("key")` is recommended if you will generate multiple images in same function.
If you prefer, you can call the method generate without this HOF.
iex> ThumborClient.generate(%{image: "image.jpg", width: 500, height: 500}, "my_secret_token")
# The last parameter is optional, if not exist should use unsafe mode
## Options
| Option | Default Value | Description |
| trim: (bool) | false | Removes surrounding space in image using top-left pixel color unless specified otherwise |
| meta: (bool) | false | Instead of get the image, get all meta data informations in image returning using json |
| fit: (atom\|nil) | nil | The fit argument specifies that the image should not be auto-cropped and auto-resized to be EXACTLY the specified size. Possible values: :fit_in, :adaptive_fit_in, :full_fit_in, :adaptive_full_fit_in |
| width: (integer) | 0 | Final width of image |
| height: (integer) | 0 | Final height of image |
| flip: (bool) | false | Flip image horizontaly |
| flop: (bool) | false | Flip image verticaly |
| halign: (atom) | :center | Orientation to crop horizontaly. Possible values: `:left`, `:center`, `:right` |
| valign: (atom) | :center | Orientation to crop verticaly. Possible values: `:top`, `:center`, `:bottom` |
| smart: (bool) | false | Use Thumbor algorithms to crop using facial recognition process |
| filters: (list) | [] | Adding filters to image. More details bellow |
| image: (string) | nil | Path of image. Can be external. |
## Filters
You can see a big list of filters in official [Thumbor documentation](https://github.com/thumbor/thumbor/wiki/Filters). You must set a list of strings with values.
Examples of usage:
#### Brightness
ThumborClient.generate(%{filters: ["brightness(40)"], width: 400, height: 300, path: "/path/image.jpg"})
#### Blur
ThumborClient.generate(%{filters: ["blur(40)"], width: 400, height: 300, path: "/path/image.jpg"})
#### Grayscale
ThumborClient.generate(%{filters: ["grayscale()"], width: 400, height: 300, path: "/path/image.jpg"})
#### Multiple filters
ThumborClient.generate(%{filters: ["grayscale()", "rotate(90)", "saturate(20)"], width: 400, height: 300, path: "/path/image.jpg"})
## Docs
The docs can be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/thumbor_client](https://hexdocs.pm/thumbor_client).