Tide [![](]( [![Build Status](](

Similar to [elixir/export]( but design for asynchronous.

## Installation

Adding `tide` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:tide, "~> 0.2.1"}

## Usage

Start `Tide.Supervisor` to create Ruby worker pool

children = [
  {Tide.Supervisor, root: :code.priv_dir(:app_name) |> Path.join("ruby"), file: "app"},
  # ...
options = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: __MODULE__]

Supervisor.start_link(children, options)

### Register Event

Create a Ruby script (e.g. `priv/ruby/app.rb`) and put your code

# Immediately will use the return value
Elixir::Tide.on("say") do |name|
  reply :ok, "Hello #{name}"

# Async event use "Tide.Agent.emit"
Elixir::Tide.on("sleep") do |wait_time|
  sleep wait_time.to_i
  reply :ok, "I am awake!"

### Agent

Start a `Tide.Agent` to manage events

{:ok, pid} = Tide.Agent.start_link()

Execute event (return immediately)

{:ok, message } = Tide.Agent.exec(pid, "say", ["World"])
# => "Hello World"

Emit event (asynchronous, and managed by `Tide.Reaction`)

{:ok, message } = Tide.Agent.emit(pid, "sleep", [1])
# After 1 seconds
{:ok, message } =

# => "I am awake!"

### Reaction

The `Tide.Reaction` is a queue collect the reply from Ruby. You can use it to prevent the `Tide.Agent.exec` blocking your process.

### State

The Erlport didn't support call Erlang function from Thread, and to ensure your Ruby script can recover from crash.
Use the `Tide.State` to persist the state and it will pass to Ruby by Tide.

Attach a state to agent

{:ok, state} = Tide.State.start_link()
{:ok, agent} = Tide.Agent.start_link(state)

When we execute an event the state will convert to keyword list and save as `Tide::State` object.
That means the `Map` or `Keyword List` is accept as a state.

state = %{user_id: 1, name: "John"}
{:ok, agent} = Tide.Agent.start_link(state)

The state is part of agent and unable directly change it, but we can use `Tide.Agent.update/2` to update it.

|> Tide.Agent.update(fn(state) -> state |> Map.put(:name, "Bob")  end)

Or replace state to another new state

|> Tide.Agent.update(%{user_id: 1, name: "Alice"})

## Roadmap

* [x] Worker Pool
  * [x] Customize root directory by `root` options
  * [x] Customize main file by `file` options
  * [x] Customize initialize function by `function` options
  * [ ] Customize environment variable by `env` options
* [ ] User Defined Module
  * [ ] Customize `Tide.Reaction`
  * [ ] Customize `Tide.State`
  * [x] Customize `Tide.Supervisor`
  * [ ] Customize `Tide.Agent`