# 🌲 Timber - Beautiful, Fast, Powerful Elixir Logging

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[][timber] is a hosted service for aggregating logs across your entire stack -
any language, any platform, any data source.

Unlike traditional logging tools, Timber integrates with language runtimes to automatically
capture in-app context and metadata, turning your text-based logs into rich structured events.
Timber integrates with Elixir through this library. And Timber's free-form query tools, real-time
tailing, and graphing make using your logs easier than ever.

The result: Beautiful, fast, powerful Elixir logging.

* [Installation](#installation)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Configuration](#configuration)
* [Integrations](#integrations)
* [Performance & Reliability](#performance--reliability)

## Installation

1. Grab your API key at [][signup].

2. In your `mix.exs` file add the `:timber` dependency:

    defp deps do
      [{:timber, "~> 3.1"}]

3. In your `config.exs` file install the Timber logger backend:

    config :logger,
      backends: [Timber.LoggerBackends.HTTP],

    config :timber,
      api_key: "{{your-api-key}}"

4. Test the pipes with:

    mix timber.test_the_pipes

## Usage

Timber works directly with the Elixir `Logger`, making it simple to use and adopt:

  # Context is automatically included in all logs within the current process
  Timber.add_context(user: %{id: "5c06a0df5f37972e07cb7213"})

  # The `:event` metadata key allows for the inclusion of structured data"Order #1234 placed", event: %{order_placed: %{id: 1234, total: 100.54}})

The end result is a well structured JSON object that's easy to work with:

    "dt": "2019-01-29T17:11:48.992670Z",
    "level": "info",
    "message": "Order #1234 placed",
    "order_placed": {
      "id": 1234,
      "total": 100.54
    "context": {
      "user": {
        "id": "5c06a0df5f37972e07cb7213"
      "system": {
        "pid": 20643,
        "hostname": "ec2-44-125-241-8"
      "runtime": {
        "vm_pid": "<0.9960.261>",
        "module_name": "MyModule",
        "line": 371,
        "function": "my_func/2",
        "file": "lib/my_app/my_module.ex",
        "application": "my_app"

Allowing you to run powerful queries like:

* Tail a user: ``
* Find orders of a certain value: `>=100`
* View logs in the context of the VM process: `context.runtime.vm_pid:"<0.9960.261>"`

See more usage examples in [our Elixir documentation][docs].

## Configuration

All configuration options are documented in the `Timber.Config` module. Some highlights are:

* `config :timber, system_context: true` - Automatically capture system context
* `config :timber, runtime_context: true` - Automatically capture runtime context (Elixir pid, module / file / line number, )
* `config :timber, heroku_context: true` - Automatically capture Heroku context
* `config :timber, ec2_context: true` - Automatically capture EC2 metadata context
* ...see more in the `Timber.Config` docs

## Integrations

Upgrade 3rd party library logs with Timber integrations:

* [`:timber_ecto`]( - Upgrade `Ecto` logs with context and metadata.
* [`:timber_exceptions`]( - Upgrade error logs with context and metadata.
* [`:timber_phoenix`]( - Upgrade `Phoenix` logs with context and metadata.
* [`:timber_plug`]( - Upgrade `Plug` logs with context and metadata.

## Performance & Reliability

Extreme care was taken into the design of Timber to be fast and reliable:

1. Timber works directly with the [Elixir `Logger`][elixir_logger], automatically assuming all of
   the [stability and performance benefits][elixir_logger_runtime_configuration] this provides,
   such as back pressure, load shedding, and defensability around `Logger` failures.
2. Log data is buffered and flushed on an interval to optimize performance and delivery.
3. The Timber HTTP backend uses a controlled [multi-buffer][multi_buffer] design to efficiently
   ship data to the Timber service.
4. Connections are re-used and rotated to ensure efficient delivery of log data.
5. Delivery failures are retried with an exponential backoff, maximizing successful delivery.
6. [Msgpack][msgpack] is used for payload encoding for it's superior performance and memory
7. The Timber service ingest endpoint is a HA servce designed to handle extreme fluctuations of
   volume, it responds in under 50ms to reduce back pressure.


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