# Logfmt for Elixir


A simple logfmt decoder for elixir that uses binary scanning for high performance.

Brought to you by []( This library is used to parse millions of log
lines every day.

## Installation

# mix.exs

def deps do
  [{:timber_logfmt, "~> 1.0"}]

## Usage

<details><summary><strong>Using = as the delimiter</strong></summary><p>

Logfmt.parse("key1=value1 key2=\"This is a quoted value\" key3=1")
=> {:ok, [key1: "value1", key2: "This is a quoted value", key3: "1"]}


<details><summary><strong>Using : as the delimiter</strong></summary><p>

Logfmt.parse("key1:value1 key2:\"This is a quoted value\" key3:1 key4")
=> {:ok, [key1: "value1", key2: "This is a quoted value", key3: "1", key4=true]}


## Notable logfmt deviations

We deviated slightly from the logfmt spec:

1. We accept `:` as a delimited in addition to `=`
2. We do not cast or coerce values. All values will parsed into a string. This is because logfmt does not have any syntax for types. Ex: `key:true` could evaluate to `true` or `"true"`.
3. Values are decoded into a `Keyword.t` to preserve the order.
4. Valueless keywords will error. In the context of logging, this makes virtually any string valid, which is not ideal.
5. Unless keys are quoted, the charaters allowed are restricted.

## Shoutout

If you appreciate this library, head over to [](

## License

Released into the public domain (see `UNLICENSE`).
Optionally available under the ISC License (see `LICENSE`),
meant especially for jurisdictions that do not recognize public domain works.