# TimeZoneInfo
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Time zone support for Elixir by using the
[IANA Time Zone Database](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `time_zone_info` to your list of
dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:time_zone_info, "~> 0.2"}

## Usage

After installation, `TimeZoneInfo` can be used as follows.
iex> TimeZoneInfo.iana_version
iex> TimeZoneInfo.time_zones() |> Enum.take(3)
["Africa/Abidjan", "Africa/Accra", "Africa/Addis_Ababa"]
iex> TimeZoneInfo.period_from_utc(~N[2020-03-29 01:30:00], "Europe/Berlin")
{:ok, {3600, 3600, "CEST"}}

In combination with `DateTime` and `Calendar`:
iex> {:ok, berlin} = DateTime.from_naive(
...>   ~N[2020-03-29 01:30:00],
...>   "Europe/Berlin",
...>    TimeZoneInfo.TimeZoneDatabase)
{:ok, #DateTime<2020-03-29 01:30:00+01:00 CET Europe/Berlin>}
iex> Calendar.put_time_zone_database(TimeZoneInfo.TimeZoneDatabase)
iex> DateTime.shift_zone(berlin, "America/New_York")
{:ok, #DateTime<2020-03-28 20:30:00-04:00 EDT America/New_York>}

Instead of the line
`Calendar.put_time_zone_database(TimeZoneInfo.TimeZoneDatabase)` you can also
specify the following entry in the configuration.
config :elixir, :time_zone_database, TimeZoneInfo.TimeZoneDatabase

For more information how to configure `TimeZoneInfo` see
[Config]( The site shows how to
enable automated updates, filter time zones, and add custom `behaviour`s.

## Benchmarks

The benchmarks can be executed with `mix bench`.

A [benchmark](bench/ to compare `TimeZoneInfo` with `Tzdata` and `Tz`
for the execution of `TimeZoneDatabase.time_zone_periods_from_wall_datetime/2`.

A [benchmark](bench/ to measure the speed of the transformation
of the raw IANA data to the required data in runtime.

## Differences to Tzdata and Tz

There are some differences to `Tzdata` and `Tz`. The list shows differences to
`Tzdata` and/or `Tz`.

- Use of `:persitent_term` with an optional use of `:ets`.
- Persisting data in
  [External Term Format](
- The data persisting is customizable by the behaviour
- Optional download of time zone data in `TimeZoneInfo` format.
- The download is customizable by the behaviour `TimeZoneInfo.Downloader`.
- Filter time zones per config.
- Optional listener that will be called on updates.
- `TimeZoneInfo` calculates periods in the far future by continuation rules.
  Except for time zones that have daylight saving times for Ramadan.

## References

The home of the IANA Time Zone Database:

- [Time zone]( - Wikipedia
- [**time**and**date**.com](
- [](

Other Elixir implementations:
- [tzdata]( - Tzdata is a parser and library for
  the tz database.
- [tz]( - Time zone support for Elixir

Other implementations:
- [DateTime::TimeZone]( - Perl
  - `TimeZoneInfo` use this module as a checker in the tests.
- [NodaTime]( - A better date and time API for .NET
  - `TimeZonInfo` use some data from this
    [site]( in the tests.