defmodule Timex.Parse.Duration.Parsers.ISO8601Parser do
@moduledoc """
This module parses ISO-8601 duration strings into Duration structs.
use Timex.Parse.Duration.Parser
@numeric '.0123456789'
@doc """
Parses an ISO-8601 formatted duration string into a Duration struct.
The parse result is wrapped in a :ok/:error tuple.
## Examples
iex> {:ok, d} = #{__MODULE__}.parse("P15Y3M2DT1H14M37.25S")
...> Timex.Format.Duration.Formatter.format(d)
iex> {:ok, d} = #{__MODULE__}.parse("P15Y3M2D")
...> Timex.Format.Duration.Formatter.format(d)
iex> {:ok, d} = #{__MODULE__}.parse("PT3H12M25.001S")
...> Timex.Format.Duration.Formatter.format(d)
iex> {:ok, d} = #{__MODULE__}.parse("P2W")
...> Timex.Format.Duration.Formatter.format(d)
iex> #{__MODULE__}.parse("P15YT3D")
{:error, "invalid use of date component after time separator"}
@spec parse(String.t()) :: {:ok, Duration.t()} | {:error, term}
def parse(<<>>), do: {:error, "input string cannot be empty"}
def parse(<<?P, rest::binary>>) do
case parse_components(rest, []) do
{:error, _} = err ->
[{?W, w}] ->
{:ok, Duration.from_days(7 * w)}
components when is_list(components) ->
result =
Enum.reduce(components, {false,}, fn
_, {:error, _} = err ->
{?Y, y}, {false, d} ->
{false, Duration.add(d, Duration.from_days(365 * y))}
{?M, m}, {false, d} ->
{false, Duration.add(d, Duration.from_days(30 * m))}
{?D, dd}, {false, d} ->
{false, Duration.add(d, Duration.from_days(dd))}
?T, {false, d} ->
{true, d}
?T, {true, _d} ->
{:error, "encountered duplicate time separator T"}
{?H, h}, {true, d} ->
{true, Duration.add(d, Duration.from_hours(h))}
{?M, m}, {true, d} ->
{true, Duration.add(d, Duration.from_minutes(m))}
{?S, s}, {true, d} ->
{true, Duration.add(d, Duration.from_seconds(s))}
{?W, _w}, {_, _} ->
"Found 'W', a basic format designator, but the parse indicates " <>
"this is an extended format, mixing the two formats is disallowed"}
{unit, _}, {true, _d} when unit in [?Y, ?D] ->
{:error, "invalid use of date component after time separator"}
{unit, _}, {false, _d} when unit in [?H, ?S] ->
{:error, "missing T separator between date and time components"}
case result do
{:error, _} = err -> err
{_, duration} -> {:ok, duration}
def parse(<<c::utf8, _::binary>>), do: {:error, "expected P, got #{<<c::utf8>>}"}
def parse(s) when is_binary(s), do: {:error, "unexpected end of input"}
@spec parse_components(binary, [{integer, number}]) ::
[{integer, number}] | {:error, String.t()}
defp parse_components(<<>>, acc),
do: Enum.reverse(acc)
defp parse_components(<<?T>>, _acc),
do: {:error, "unexpected end of input at T"}
defp parse_components(<<?T, rest::binary>>, acc),
do: parse_components(rest, [?T | acc])
defp parse_components(<<c::utf8>>, _acc) when c in @numeric,
do: {:error, "unexpected end of input at #{<<c::utf8>>}"}
defp parse_components(<<c::utf8, rest::binary>>, acc) when c in @numeric do
case parse_component(rest, {:integer, <<c::utf8>>}) do
{:error, _} = err -> err
{u, n, rest} -> parse_components(rest, [{u, n} | acc])
defp parse_components(<<c::utf8>>, _acc),
do: {:error, "unexpected end of input at #{<<c::utf8>>}"}
defp parse_components(<<c::utf8, _::binary>>, _acc),
do: {:error, "expected numeric, but got #{<<c::utf8>>}"}
@spec parse_component(binary, {:float | :integer, binary}) ::
{integer, number, binary} | {:error, msg :: binary()}
defp parse_component(<<c::utf8>>, _acc) when c in @numeric,
do: {:error, "unexpected end of input at #{<<c::utf8>>}"}
defp parse_component(<<c::utf8>>, {type, acc}) when c in 'WYMDHS' do
case cast_number(type, acc) do
{n, _} -> {c, n, <<>>}
:error -> {:error, "invalid number `#{acc}`"}
defp parse_component(<<".", rest::binary>>, {:integer, acc}) do
parse_component(rest, {:float, <<acc::binary, ".">>})
defp parse_component(<<c::utf8, rest::binary>>, {:integer, acc}) when c in @numeric do
parse_component(rest, {:integer, <<acc::binary, c::utf8>>})
defp parse_component(<<c::utf8, rest::binary>>, {:float, acc}) when c in @numeric do
parse_component(rest, {:float, <<acc::binary, c::utf8>>})
defp parse_component(<<c::utf8, rest::binary>>, {type, acc}) when c in 'WYMDHS' do
case cast_number(type, acc) do
{n, _} -> {c, n, rest}
:error -> {:error, "invalid number `#{acc}`"}
defp parse_component(<<c::utf8>>, _acc), do: {:error, "unexpected token #{<<c::utf8>>}"}
defp parse_component(<<c::utf8, _::binary>>, _acc),
do: {:error, "unexpected token #{<<c::utf8>>}"}
@spec cast_number(:float | :integer, binary) :: {number(), binary()} | :error
defp cast_number(:integer, binary), do: Integer.parse(binary)
defp cast_number(:float, binary), do: Float.parse(binary)