defmodule Timex.Translator do
import Timex.Gettext
defmacro with_locale(locale, do: block) do
quote do
Gettext.with_locale(Timex.Gettext, unquote(locale), fn -> unquote(block) end)
@doc """
Translates a string for a given locale and domain.
## Examples
iex> Timex.Translator.translate("ru", "weekdays", "Saturday")
iex> Timex.Translator.translate("it", "weekdays", "Saturday")
iex> Timex.Translator.translate("invalid_locale", "weekdays", "Saturday")
@spec translate(locale :: String.t(), domain :: String.t(), msgid :: String.t()) :: String.t()
def translate(locale, domain, msgid) do
get_domain_text(locale, domain, msgid)
@doc """
Translates a string for a given locale and domain, following the pluralization rules of that
## Examples
iex> Timex.Translator.translate_plural("ru", "relative_time", "in %{count} second", "in %{count} seconds", 5)
"через 5 секунд"
iex> Timex.Translator.translate_plural("it", "relative_time", "in %{count} second", "in %{count} seconds", 5)
"in 5 secondi"
iex> Timex.Translator.translate_plural("invalid_locale", "relative_time", "in %{count} second", "in %{count} seconds", 5)
"in 5 seconds"
@spec translate_plural(
locale :: String.t(),
domain :: String.t(),
msgid :: String.t(),
msgid_plural :: String.t(),
n :: integer
) :: String.t()
def translate_plural(locale, domain, msgid, msgid_plural, n) do
get_plural_domain_text(locale, domain, msgid, msgid_plural, n)
@doc """
Returns the active locale for the process in which this function is called
@spec current_locale() :: String.t()
def current_locale, do: Gettext.get_locale(Timex.Gettext)
@doc """
Returns a map of ordinal weekdays to weekday names, where Monday = 1,
translated in the given locale
@spec get_weekdays(locale :: String.t()) :: %{integer() => String.t()}
def get_weekdays(locale) do
1 => get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Monday"),
2 => get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Tuesday"),
3 => get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Wednesday"),
4 => get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Thursday"),
5 => get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Friday"),
6 => get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Saturday"),
7 => get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Sunday")
@doc """
Returns a map of ordinal weekdays to weekday abbreviations, where Mon = 1
@spec get_weekdays_abbreviated(locale :: String.t()) :: %{integer() => String.t()}
def get_weekdays_abbreviated(locale) do
1 => get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Mon"),
2 => get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Tue"),
3 => get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Wed"),
4 => get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Thu"),
5 => get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Fri"),
6 => get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Sat"),
7 => get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Sun")
@doc false
def get_weekdays_lookup(locale) do
get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Mon") => 1,
get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Tue") => 2,
get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Wed") => 3,
get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Thu") => 4,
get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Fri") => 5,
get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Sat") => 6,
get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Sun") => 7,
get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Monday") => 1,
get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Tuesday") => 2,
get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Wednesday") => 3,
get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Thursday") => 4,
get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Friday") => 5,
get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Saturday") => 6,
get_domain_text(locale, "weekdays", "Sunday") => 7
@doc """
Returns a map of ordinal months to month names
@spec get_months(locale :: String.t()) :: %{integer() => String.t()}
def get_months(locale) do
1 => get_domain_text(locale, "months", "January"),
2 => get_domain_text(locale, "months", "February"),
3 => get_domain_text(locale, "months", "March"),
4 => get_domain_text(locale, "months", "April"),
5 => get_domain_text(locale, "months", "May"),
6 => get_domain_text(locale, "months", "June"),
7 => get_domain_text(locale, "months", "July"),
8 => get_domain_text(locale, "months", "August"),
9 => get_domain_text(locale, "months", "September"),
10 => get_domain_text(locale, "months", "October"),
11 => get_domain_text(locale, "months", "November"),
12 => get_domain_text(locale, "months", "December")
@doc """
Returns a map of ordinal months to month abbreviations
@spec get_months_abbreviated(locale :: String.t()) :: %{integer() => String.t()}
def get_months_abbreviated(locale) do
1 => get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Jan"),
2 => get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Feb"),
3 => get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Mar"),
4 => get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Apr"),
5 => get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "May"),
6 => get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Jun"),
7 => get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Jul"),
8 => get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Aug"),
9 => get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Sep"),
10 => get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Oct"),
11 => get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Nov"),
12 => get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Dec")
@doc false
def get_months_lookup(locale) do
get_domain_text(locale, "months", "January") => 1,
get_domain_text(locale, "months", "February") => 2,
get_domain_text(locale, "months", "March") => 3,
get_domain_text(locale, "months", "April") => 4,
get_domain_text(locale, "months", "May") => 5,
get_domain_text(locale, "months", "June") => 6,
get_domain_text(locale, "months", "July") => 7,
get_domain_text(locale, "months", "August") => 8,
get_domain_text(locale, "months", "September") => 9,
get_domain_text(locale, "months", "October") => 10,
get_domain_text(locale, "months", "November") => 11,
get_domain_text(locale, "months", "December") => 12,
get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Jan") => 1,
get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Feb") => 2,
get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Mar") => 3,
get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Apr") => 4,
get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "May") => 5,
get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Jun") => 6,
get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Jul") => 7,
get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Aug") => 8,
get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Sep") => 9,
get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Oct") => 10,
get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Nov") => 11,
get_domain_text(locale, "months_abbr", "Dec") => 12
@doc """
Returns a map of day period types to translated day period names
## Examples
iex> day_periods = Timex.Translator.get_day_periods("en")
...> {day_periods[:am], day_periods[:AM]}
{"am", "AM"}
@spec get_day_periods(locale :: String.t()) :: %{atom() => String.t()}
def get_day_periods(locale) do
:AM => get_domain_text(locale, "day_periods", "AM"),
:am => get_domain_text(locale, "day_periods", "am"),
:PM => get_domain_text(locale, "day_periods", "PM"),
:pm => get_domain_text(locale, "day_periods", "pm")
@doc false
def get_day_periods_lower(locale) do
get_domain_text(locale, "day_periods", "am"),
get_domain_text(locale, "day_periods", "pm")
@doc false
def get_day_periods_upper(locale) do
get_domain_text(locale, "day_periods", "AM"),
get_domain_text(locale, "day_periods", "PM")
@doc false
def get_day_periods_lookup(locale) do
get_domain_text(locale, "day_periods", "AM") => :AM,
get_domain_text(locale, "day_periods", "am") => :am,
get_domain_text(locale, "day_periods", "PM") => :PM,
get_domain_text(locale, "day_periods", "pm") => :pm
@spec get_domain_text(locale :: String.t(), domain :: String.t(), msgid :: String.t()) ::
defp get_domain_text(locale, domain, msgid) do
Gettext.with_locale(Timex.Gettext, locale, fn ->
Gettext.dgettext(Timex.Gettext, domain, msgid, %{})
@spec get_plural_domain_text(
locale :: String.t(),
domain :: String.t(),
msgid :: String.t(),
msgid_plural :: String.t(),
n :: integer
) :: String.t()
defp get_plural_domain_text(locale, domain, msgid, msgid_plural, n) do
Gettext.with_locale(Timex.Gettext, locale, fn ->
Gettext.dngettext(Timex.Gettext, domain, msgid, msgid_plural, n, %{})
### After this point, all gettext calls are here for use with compile-time tooling
dngettext("units", "%{count} nanosecond", "%{count} nanoseconds", 0)
dngettext("units", "%{count} microsecond", "%{count} microseconds", 0)
dngettext("units", "%{count} millisecond", "%{count} milliseconds", 0)
dngettext("units", "%{count} second", "%{count} seconds", 0)
dngettext("units", "%{count} minute", "%{count} minutes", 0)
dngettext("units", "%{count} hour", "%{count} hours", 0)
dngettext("units", "%{count} day", "%{count} days", 0)
dngettext("units", "%{count} week", "%{count} weeks", 0)
dngettext("units", "%{count} month", "%{count} months", 0)
dngettext("units", "%{count} year", "%{count} years", 0)
dgettext("day_periods", "AM")
dgettext("day_periods", "am")
dgettext("day_periods", "PM")
dgettext("day_periods", "pm")
dgettext("weekdays", "Mon")
dgettext("weekdays", "Tue")
dgettext("weekdays", "Wed")
dgettext("weekdays", "Thu")
dgettext("weekdays", "Fri")
dgettext("weekdays", "Sat")
dgettext("weekdays", "Sun")
dgettext("weekdays", "Monday")
dgettext("weekdays", "Tuesday")
dgettext("weekdays", "Wednesday")
dgettext("weekdays", "Thursday")
dgettext("weekdays", "Friday")
dgettext("weekdays", "Saturday")
dgettext("weekdays", "Sunday")
dgettext("months_abbr", "Jan")
dgettext("months_abbr", "Feb")
dgettext("months_abbr", "Mar")
dgettext("months_abbr", "Apr")
dgettext("months_abbr", "May")
dgettext("months_abbr", "Jun")
dgettext("months_abbr", "Jul")
dgettext("months_abbr", "Aug")
dgettext("months_abbr", "Sep")
dgettext("months_abbr", "Oct")
dgettext("months_abbr", "Nov")
dgettext("months_abbr", "Dec")
dgettext("months", "January")
dgettext("months", "February")
dgettext("months", "March")
dgettext("months", "April")
dgettext("months", "May")
dgettext("months", "June")
dgettext("months", "July")
dgettext("months", "August")
dgettext("months", "September")
dgettext("months", "October")
dgettext("months", "November")
dgettext("months", "December")
# relative years
dgettext("relative_time", "last year")
dgettext("relative_time", "this year")
dgettext("relative_time", "next year")
dngettext("relative_time", "in %{count} year", "in %{count} years", 0)
dngettext("relative_time", "%{count} year ago", "%{count} years ago", 0)
# relative months
dgettext("relative_time", "last month")
dgettext("relative_time", "this month")
dgettext("relative_time", "next month")
dngettext("relative_time", "in %{count} month", "in %{count} months", 0)
dngettext("relative_time", "%{count} month ago", "%{count} months ago", 0)
# relative weeks
dgettext("relative_time", "last week")
dgettext("relative_time", "this week")
dgettext("relative_time", "next week")
dngettext("relative_time", "in %{count} week", "in %{count} weeks", 0)
dngettext("relative_time", "%{count} week ago", "%{count} weeks ago", 0)
# relative days
dgettext("relative_time", "yesterday")
dgettext("relative_time", "today")
dgettext("relative_time", "tomorrow")
dngettext("relative_time", "in %{count} day", "in %{count} days", 0)
dngettext("relative_time", "%{count} day ago", "%{count} days ago", 0)
# relative weekdays
dgettext("relative_time", "last monday")
dgettext("relative_time", "this monday")
dgettext("relative_time", "next monday")
dgettext("relative_time", "last tuesday")
dgettext("relative_time", "this tuesday")
dgettext("relative_time", "next tuesday")
dgettext("relative_time", "last wednesday")
dgettext("relative_time", "this wednesday")
dgettext("relative_time", "next wednesday")
dgettext("relative_time", "last thursday")
dgettext("relative_time", "this thursday")
dgettext("relative_time", "next thursday")
dgettext("relative_time", "last friday")
dgettext("relative_time", "this friday")
dgettext("relative_time", "next friday")
dgettext("relative_time", "last saturday")
dgettext("relative_time", "this saturday")
dgettext("relative_time", "next saturday")
dgettext("relative_time", "last sunday")
dgettext("relative_time", "this sunday")
dgettext("relative_time", "next sunday")
# relative hours
dngettext("relative_time", "in %{count} hour", "in %{count} hours", 0)
dngettext("relative_time", "%{count} hour ago", "%{count} hours ago", 0)
# relative minutes
dngettext("relative_time", "in %{count} minute", "in %{count} minutes", 0)
dngettext("relative_time", "%{count} minute ago", "%{count} minutes ago", 0)
# relative seconds
dngettext("relative_time", "in %{count} second", "in %{count} seconds", 0)
dngettext("relative_time", "%{count} second ago", "%{count} seconds ago", 0)
# relative now
dgettext("relative_time", "now")
# symbols
# decimal
dgettext("symbols", ".")
# group
dgettext("symbols", ",")
# list
dgettext("symbols", ";")
# plus
dgettext("symbols", "+")
# minus
dgettext("symbols", "-")
# exponent
dgettext("symbols", "E")
# time separator
dgettext("symbols", ":")
# numbers
# decimal format
dgettext("numbers", "#,##0.###")